
要把TUMMYSHIELD 這個好東西與你分享


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懷孕中最佳的旅行時間是中期妊娠( 14至28周妊娠) 。因為多數人孕吐階段的早期妊娠都過去了。懷孕的後期,7個月之後就較難以走動或坐很長一段時間。過多的旅行會增加早產的風險(正常的生產是從第37周妊娠後期開始) 。




如果你計劃在短期旅行,大型車或捷運可以是一個很好的旅行方式。旅行中要常停下來走動一下,伸展一下。連續行車和坐車不超過五,六個小時,要帶安全帶,建議了解一下我們的產品. http://www.tummyshieldusa.com/






No need to cancel your travel plans because you are pregnant. However you must follow some simple rules. In most cases it’s safe to travel until final month of your pregnancy. You must consult with your doctor to find out if you have any problems that might need to be addressed prior to embarking on a long trip.

When and Where to Travel
The best time to travel is mid-pregnancy (14 to 28 weeks of pregnancy). Because many women are past the morning sickness phase of early pregnancy. Later on in the pregnancy, it becomes harder to move around or sit for a long time. You are also coming to a time of increased risk of preterm labor or early labor (labor that starts before the end of the 37th week of pregnancy).

Getting There
When choosing how to travel, think about the fastest way and most comfortable way to get there, especially if you are embarking on a long trip.

By Land
If you are planning a short trip, a large car or people mover can be a good way to travel. Break the trip into easy short drives with frequent stops to stretch. No more than five or six hours of driving each day are ideal.
Car safety advice doesn't change for pregnant women. You should wear your seat belt every time you ride in a car or people mover, even if it has an air bag. For your safety and your baby’s safety we highly recommend the use of Tummy Shield during the whole duration of the pregnancy, even if you are travelling as a passenger.

If your travel is by bus or train, there are a few things to keep in mind. Buses have narrow aisles and small bathrooms. Trains have more space for walking, but the bathrooms are often just as small.
Don't worry that a bumpy ride could bring on labor — it won't.

By Air
Travelling by air is always safe during pregnancy. Most airlines allow pregnant women to fly until about a month before their due dates. Don't worry about walking through the metal detector at the airport security check. It will not harm you or your baby. It’s recommended to reserve an aisle seat. This will make it easier to get up and stretch and take a short walk around every hour or so. You also won't have to climb over others to get to the bathroom.

By Sea
Travel by sea is not the ideal way to travel for pregnant women, but if you must, check with cruise company as to the rules for pregnant women on board and ask if they have a doctor or a nurse on board.
Ask your doctor about safe medicines for calming seasickness.

Unsafe Food and Water
Eating and drinking in a foreign country maybe safe for the locals, as their bodies are used to whatever is in the food, however, for a first timer specially a pregnant one it may not go down too well. One of the most common effects is vomiting and diarrhoea which is not a major problem if you are fit and well and not pregnant, if you are pregnant it becomes a major concern as vomiting and diarrhoea will deprive your baby from desperately needed fluid and nutrients.

Medical Care
Even if you are perfectly healthy before going on a trip, you never know when an emergency will arise. We strongly recommend you take high cover insurance and if possible locate nearest clinic or hospital to where you are staying.

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