
Things I learned or heard during hiking

(2021-11-14 10:31:50) 下一個

I was following a large group of hikers during an hot summer day, the group was very quiet and the paces were slow and steady. Suddenly, I heard someone say " why we are following a 8 year old girl?" I looked up, and indeed, our pace setter was a child, and we were all following her steps aimlessly.  The lesson? Look up occasionally, enjoy the view and know where you are going.


In a different trail, we reached a point where the trail became more challenging, and difficult to find. I would imagine this is where most people turn around.  The only way is to climb up on hands and knees. We were debating if we should press on or turn back. Next to us was a pair of an older gentleman and a young gentleman, of mixed race. Just like us, they were quietly debating between them.  A third group of hikers suddenly appeared front other side of trail, and we preparing to descend. I heard the young gentleman say"let us ask them about the trail and then decide". To this day, I couldn't forget what the older gentleman said " in other words, you want others to tell you what to?", quietly, very quietly.

They did not ask about the trail, nor did we ask. They decided to turn back. I decided to climb. No more debating.  It turned out that short climb was the highlight of our trip, challenging and yet very rewarding.

In yet another long and boring hike, a young solo hiker passed us in a hurry.  It was a long journey, we were tired and slow. About 30 or so minutes later, we met again on his return trip, and we kindly asked him what was expected ahead of us. "Not much, the trail goes on and on". Luckily, we didn't feel disappointed or discouraged, and we pressed on.  Had the young man hiked for another mile, he would have seen the thunderous water fall.  We sure did. 

I don't want to preach to my kids, but I want to show that we shouldn't quit easily. I bite my tongue and said to myself only, have a plan, stick to your plan, be ready to change your plan.  Press on.

A proud moment was that I spotted a moose without sighting it.  Next to the narrow trail,  there was a patch of marsh. I heard a twig break, very distinct sound, I paused and searched for the source. Despite its large size, the moose was well hidden. I would have missed it had I not heard the sound of a breaking twig.


Take your kids hiking when they are still young and when you are still able and willing.

Narure cures and recharges.



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