

(2016-11-10 08:48:50) 下一個

The TV was on and  the news was about protestings on the streets.   I was reading some Chinese posts in WXC and cursing  when my phone rang.   It was my daughter.  I can sense her frustration and sadness.  Right away, I told her as a parent that we ask her not to join the demonstration on the streets.  This is one of the few times that I consciously make my request as a parent.   She agreed and she was not thinking of joining it in the first place.  It was a relief.  Since she was so receiptive, so I added another advice "always be safe and aware of your surrounding."

Her view and ours are somewhat aligned, though no doubt hers is more progressive.  I do not believe she is brainwashed by anybody then and now.  We live in the reddest state of America.

I told her that we must give him a chance.  He saw something, felt something and tapped into it.  He deserves a chance to use this unique talent. I do believe that he has the best interest of the American people in his heart.  Consider that I did not vote for him either.

Our topics shifted to what I was reading.  It was my turn to express my frustration over what I was reading.   I just could not understand why some Chinese folks could be so callus, so righteous, so “I am one above all”, so “forgetful”, so “ I know it all”,  so “self centered to the bone” , so "I am educated , I am an intellectual".    I  was no soliciting her response.  She told me that some of her friends wondered about the same thing about their parents.  Huh?

The conversation last about one hour. In the end, I have to confirm from her that she is happy at where she is.


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