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巴黎的曆史軸(Axe historique)從市中心向西延伸,包括一係列的古跡、建築物和街道,也被稱為凱旋之道(Voie Triomphale)。

為了便於狩獵,路易十四建了一條軸線,從盧浮宮(Musée du Louvre的方形廣場出發,穿過杜麗樂花園(le jardin des Tuileries),直至聖日爾曼城堡(Chateau de Saint Germain)。這條軸線在十八世紀又被加入了兩個新亮點:路易十五時代的協和廣場和路易十六時代的香榭麗舍大街。1806年,拿破侖一世又在這條軸線上加上了兩個拱形門:星形廣場上的大凱旋門(Arc de Triomphe和杜樂麗花園入口處的小凱旋門(l'Arc du Carrousel)。一九五幾年,軸線沿著大軍團大街再次向西延伸,通過巴黎的城市邊界到達拉德芳斯。1989年,20世紀現代版本的新凱旋門(La Grande Arche de la Défense)竣工,完成了從小凱旋門,到大凱旋門,再到新凱旋門的旅遊熱線。

凡爾賽宮(Chateau de Versailles)是曆史軸之外的,位於法國巴黎西南郊外。凡爾賽宮作為法國宮廷長達107年(1682-1789),上次帶著兒子來時就看得眼花繚亂,我對女兒說這是歐洲最漂亮的皇宮。


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這是《達芬奇密碼》電影開頭一晃而過的肖像,是達芬奇畫的費隆妮葉夫人(La belle ferronnière),並沒有許多人觀摩,於是可以慢慢地欣賞。

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17 day trip – day 16

Versailles: four out of five

Versailles is a French palace. The kings Louie the 14th, Louie the 15th, and Louie the 16th lived in there. There is a saying about it: Louie the 14th built it, Louie the 15th enjoyed it, and Louie the 16th paid the bill with his life. The palace is very big and has a lot of frescos. There are many fancy rooms. My favorite spot is the gardens. It's a very formal, French garden, and is beautiful. It's full of the color green. There are multiple grassy areas, all surrounded by a double layer of hedges. In between the hedges are flowers. In the paths, there are a ton of ant holes. In fact, one place even had a kind of "road" for the ants! All of the ants traveled on it. I saw two fountains and one pond. I wanted to go see the mirror lakes, but there wasn't enough time.

Louvre: three out of five

I also saw the Louvre, a famous museum. The three highlights there are the two statues Venus and Winged Victory and the Mona Lisa. In my opinion, the Mona Lisa actually isn't too impressive. It's comparatively small, especially if viewed from a distance. I think that the statues took more effort to do. After all, they are 3D. The Louvre also has Egyptian, Renaissance, and other art. Did you know that for Greco-Roman statues, straight nose statues are Greek, and curved nose ones are Roman? That's one way of classifying these types of statues. The entrance is very modern. Once you reach the hallway, you can see three glass pyramids on top of you. There is a staircase to the top floor, but the staircase is only supported on two ends! It's a spiral staircase, and it spirals around an elevator.

Dinner: five out of five

Another dinner rating? Why should I bother, if I ate at the exact same restaurant? This is because that this time, I ate different things. Out of the four courses, I ate all of them! (Of course, I didn't necessarily finish them all, but at least I consented to try.) The courses were spicy onion soup, fish-egg-brisket-thingy with creamy sauce, beef and mashed potatoes and salad, and ice cream. They all tasted very good. My favorite was the fish-egg thingy. Because of the sauce, I couldn't tell what it even was, but it still is my favorite. My mom says that it's egg, but I think it's fish.

This is my second to last review of this trip. Tomorrow, I'm going home!

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