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(2012-08-11 21:28:18) 下一個




依依不舍地,終於離開了黃石公園,來到了大提頓國家公園。我們在Jackson Lake Lodge吃午餐,這是一座非常漂亮的建築,前麵是大提頓最大的Jackson湖,湖的彼岸是氣吞天地的雪山。這是仙境,又是地獄,到處都是遊客,根本找不到坐下來吃的地方。大家又遲到了,這一次卻不是我們之過,導遊沒有料到排隊這麽長,而且服務的速度非常之慢。

回頭的路很長,我們經過了Jackson Hole,一個山區中的富鎮。又逗留了Idaho瀑布城,也算是蠻有特色的一個人工瀑布。


Today was our second day of Yellowstone National Park. Today mostly saw Yosemite’s volcanic features. We started off with an area with numerous hot springs, mudpots, and geysers. The hot springs looked really nice and comfortable in Yosemite’s chilling weather, but they reeked of sulfur and had a temperature of over 150 degrees Fahrenheit. More interesting were the mudpots, which contained hot muddy water and contained many furious bubbles. Finally there were the geysers. Most of the geysers were not erupting when we looked at them, so they looked like hot springs, but there was one that was erupting. It looked like a fountain, except it was spewing out boiling water. We then moved onto the Old Faithful Geyser. The eruption time was predicted to be within 3 minutes, and the eruption was quite large. The only drawback would be that the eruption was quite small compared to ones decades ago. After the Old Faithful Geyser, we moved south to take a peek at the Grand Tetons before driving back west towards California. We ended up at Idaho for the night.


Grand Teton vs. Yellowstone National Park

Name of National Park



Grand Teton

Great lodges!

Elk migration area

Scenic view

Lots of activities

Long lines for food

Yellowstone National Park

Opportunities to watch mudpots/geysers/hot springs

Lots of wildlife

Volcano (do I need to say anything else?)

Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Park are in relatively the same area. Yellowstone is more famous. Therefore it’s better, right? Don’t be too sure. Grand Teton has great lodges and is full of scenic mountains. (Unfortunately, the lines for food are impossibly long.) The mountains are picturesque because there are no foothills to block it. They just jut up from the ground. Plus, there are tons of activities to do: hiking, fishing, horseback riding… you name it. Yellowstone National Park is a volcanic hotspot. The lava underground makes it full of mudpots, geyers, hotsprings, and geysers. Mudpots are really hotsprings that are full of mud. The problem with Yellowstone is that its major attractions are all powered by a volcano that it overdue for an explosion. You can’t so much as go on a 5-mile hike because of the hazards constantly shifting across the ground. Hotspring water can even be acidic. And who wants to step through a bubbling mudpot? So, you can decide which one is better to visit.

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