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(2012-08-25 20:40:38) 下一個

回頭的路很長,這一天的目標就是趕路。旅行社還是找了些小景點,讓漫長的旅行不至於太枯燥。們來到了雙子瀑布的Perrine大橋,看業餘選手們做跳躍皮卡(base jump)。我們到達得晚了一些,正好有個人跳到一半,看著他的藍色降落傘晃晃悠悠地飄到地麵。


下一站是肖肖尼瀑布(Shoshone Falls),肖肖尼是蛇河上的人工瀑布,有著“西部小尼加拉瓜瀑布”之稱。肖肖尼瀑布有著兩道彩虹,在有太陽的日子裏,向遊人展示著奪目的七彩。


Today we go towards California. As we had already seen all the highlights of the trip, today was mostly just driving. The few stops we did take were sites over the Snake River. The first stop we took was of a special bridge in Idaho, Perrine. The bridge is notable because it is quite high above the canyon and it is legal to base jump from the bridge. We then travelled down the Snake River a little more to see some waterfall. The waterfall was interesting because it doubled as a dam. The background of hills with the canyon also looked nice. We spent the remainder of the day just driving, eventually ending up in Reno for the night. One more segment of driving tomorrow. 


Caution: This is a persuasive essay. If you can be easily persuaded, do not, I repeat, do not read this ad. Overexposure to ads may cause long-term persuasion.

The last night and this morning of the trip is always the best(ish). Why? Well, there are two main reasons. One of them is the relaxedness and the other is the great hotel. On the last night, you get to eat wherever you want. You can eat at whatever breakfast area you want, provided it’s in the area. And best of all, you don’t have to get into the bus until 8:00. The second reason why the last night/this morning is the greatest is the hotel. Silver Legacy has an abundance of restaurants, shops, gift stores, even casinos and arcades! Plus, the hotel room is the biggest we’ve had so far. And, Silver Legacy is connected to Circus Circus, the almost legendary place to win stuffed animals.

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