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圈外閑人 (熱門博主)
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(2012-03-31 18:05:18) 下一個

一年一度的反思計劃(PTA Reflections program)比賽落下了帷幕,女兒的作文學校出線,參加了學區的比賽。她的兩個同學走得更遠,得了繪畫與跳舞大獎。



Diversity means…

Diversity means many things. If you ask me what diversity means and give me only ten seconds to answer, I would say that it means the difference between people’s skin color, eye color… basically, outward appearances. Still, what if there were twins that looked exactly the same, right down to their clothing, and I was supposed to figure out what diversity means, based on that? My answer would be different. I would answer that it isn’t just outward appearances and looks; it’s also about inside intangible things, too. The twins may look the same, but one could be a natural scientist, and the other might be the most talented artist in the family. They might completely balance each other out, one being introvert and the other is totally 100% talkative. On the other hand, two friends may look so different that nobody could mistake them for family, but are almost like copycats because they have the exact same talents, and the exact same likes and dislikes.

Diversity means the difference between looks and personality, or outward appearances and skills. If there was no such thing as diversity, we would all just be a big bunch of copycats in every single way. Diversity can also be the difference between jobs, and between religions. People just out of their teens could be found in MacDonald’s stores, flipping burgers, but their parents could be the owners or CEOs of various companies. Some people might be Jewish, but their neighbors might be Christian. Maybe others could also be Muslim, Buddhist, or non-religious. One girl could be left-handed, but that girl’s brother might be right-handed. Their mom could have green eyes, and their dad could have brown eyes, but wears tinted contacts and pretends to have hazel eyes. The sibling’s uncle, from their mom’s side, could be a voracious reader of non-fiction while their other uncle could in fact be the author of a great deal of fiction books.

In a way, diversity is the borders that separate our identities from others, from our names, to our likes and dislikes.

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閱讀 ()評論 (8)
圈外閑人 回複 悄悄話 回複nobaddayinla的評論:
nobaddayinla 回複 悄悄話 10歲的小朋友,讚一個,有時候看小朋友寫的作文,覺得他們思維的方式真的和我們不一樣,哪怕是在美國很多年,我們那種英文寫作的方式都跟孩子沒有辦法比擬。很喜歡孩子的作文,很感謝你把她作文分享給我們,欣喜我們的下一代前途無量!
圈外閑人 回複 悄悄話 回複憶君的評論:
Thank you sooooooooooo much!
憶君 回複 悄悄話 Sooooo lovely daughter! Happy and lucky mum.
圈外閑人 回複 悄悄話 回複megchen的評論:
Thank you! She does look at things at her unique way. Yes, I am pround of her :)
megchen 回複 悄悄話
"Diversity means the difference between looks and personality, or outward appearances and skills. If there was no such thing as diversity, we would all just be a big bunch of copycats in every single way."
-I am very impressed by her above words. Even a lot of adults in this city may not understand this.

Thanks for sharing! You should be proud of your daughter!
圈外閑人 回複 悄悄話 10歲,謝謝鼓勵!
藍色竹園 回複 悄悄話 多大的孩子?

不錯. 鼓勵.