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遊山記:我說,他說,她說(9)― 荒郊野地急行軍

(2011-08-05 21:43:24) 下一個


今天上午的目的地是“manager’s hike”,這是個什麽地方啊?據說是曆史性的鐵路遺址,然後又說遺址那條道被倒下的大樹擋了,領隊決定去Sweetwater Campground。甜水,多麽誘人的名字,帶著對青山秀水的想象,我,老公,兒子,三個人就這樣跟著上了道。






Today was July 4th, the last full day of our vacation. For our hike of the day, we went on the “manager’s hike”. It was probably the hardest hike offered in the camp. There were numerous inclines and slopes, and the trail included parts where the wild was mostly untamed. Quite a lot of effort was required to complete it. For the rest of the day, we continued playing in the river. Today, now knowing the good spots of the river to go to and what to do, we brought all our water guns and floats. However, the kids were soon bored of going down the small stream in their floats and started an all out water war. All the kids plus some parents got soaked; I also had my fair share of soaking. From the evening on, things quieted down because of a lack of an organized activity (most people weren’t interested in an animal movie night). My sister was the only one who decided to finish watching the movie, and we went to sleep after that. Tomorrow we go home, and I get my half day of rest before my next activity.

The first thing I did today was make patriotic crafts. I made two American flag pins. Some of my friends, though, made more outlandish things: they were covered head to toe in necklaces, bracelets, pins, and lanyards.

A terrible crime (or injustice) was committed against me. One of the water gun’s pump was broken. I spent the rest of my time on the river thinking on suitable water gun replacements. I considered water guns from the little camp store, but they ran out too quickly.

Today was also movie night. The movie was called Homebound. It’s about pets, which are left at a friend’s house while the family is away, try to find their way back home.

I also partly participated in Movie Trivia. This was one example of its questions: In Inception, how many layers of dreams were there? The answer was three, plus limbo.

I had a good day today. I’ll be sad to leave San Jose Family Camp tomorrow.


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