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遊山記:我說,他說,她說(7)― 露營基地的休閑生活

(2011-07-29 22:28:14) 下一個

我們來到了聖荷西露營基地(San Jose Family Camp),這已經是第三次來這裏休閑了。孩子們喜歡去野外露營,可是準備工作卻難為了城市化的父母。怎麽辦呢?到哪裏去找一個不用支帳篷,坐下來就有飯吃,又能享受到野外氣息的地方呢?那就是聖荷西露營基地了。

露營基地有各式各樣安排好的活動,或者參加他們組織的活動,或者搬張帆布椅子坐在小河邊上,觀賞著孩子們沒完沒了的玩耍,這是怎樣的一種優哉遊哉的生活啊!那條小河不大,可以在那裏打水仗,漂流筏子,撿鵝卵石。更牛的是撿金子,真的,加州是個淘金的地方,不過大部分時間撿到的是假金子(Fool’s Gold)。

白天有活動,晚上也有節目。第一天晚上先是玩Bingo,然後則是孩子們喜歡的淩波競賽(Limbo Contest)。淩波競賽起源於Trinidad,在歡快的音樂聲中,一行人通過一根杆子,每個人必須挺立或者後仰著通過,不然的話就算出局了。每一輪杆子下降一點,一直到最後的勝利者為止。個子矮的小孩有著天然的優勢,不過有些個子高的大人卻取勝於高超的柔軟度。無論是挺而過杆,還是被叫出局,到處是人們的歡聲笑語。老爸帶著兒女一起參賽,他們過杆過得開心,我這個旁觀者也不容易,始終替他們捏著一把汗,從老爸第一個出局,到兒子中途碰杆,一直到女兒成為最後幾個勝利者,噢,甭提有多緊張了,當然也很開心!

Today is Saturday, the 7th day of our trip. Today, we headed towards the last leg of our trip, San Jose Family Camp, a camp run by the city of San Jose. At first we expected a short drive from our hotel in Oakhurst to San Jose Family Camp, which is only 10-ish miles west of the grounds of Yosemite National Park. However, we soon found out that the drive wasn’t going to be a short drive. The so-called highway was a very narrow road frequented by signs warning of falling rocks and loose gravel ahead. We found ourselves behind a big truck, whose driver was really just trying to not fall over the edge. When we finally got to San Jose Family Camp, we had missed lunch, though fortunately early enough to still grab some leftovers.

Even though this is the 3rd time we have gone to San Jose Family Camp, this year is proving to be quite different. First, the river was flooded this year, destroying our San Jose Family Camp ritual of going down the small river on a float. Now, the flow was too strong. This year’s activities will also be different, as it will be the first time we will have done the Mission Impossible and the movie night activities.

San Jose Family Camp does get dark fast, with lights attracting mosquitoes and moths; it’s probably wise to go to sleep earlier.

I had a bad day today.

Today we spent half of the day driving. When we got to San Jose family camp, we missed lunch, all because Daddy miscalculated how much time it would take to drive. Pity me, the poor girl who missed lunch.

Then, I found out that the river was swollen so much that I couldn’t stand in it without being swept away. That meant no boat race, no water games, no nothing. TOTAL DISASTER!

Well, I hope tomorrow will be a better day for me. Oh, yeah, I found a calm place. I played with my friends at the calm spot. See, my luck is getting better and better!

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圈外閑人 回複 悄悄話 回複含嫣的評論:
圈外閑人 回複 悄悄話 回複林貝卡的評論:
謝謝,我們全家都喜歡聖荷西露營基地 :)
含嫣 回複 悄悄話 圈圈,露營真的非常有意思,前兩年夏天也去過,你的文章喚起了我的情景回憶。圖片真美啊
林貝卡 回複 悄悄話 你的孩子們玩得真開心,謝謝圖文並茂地介紹聖荷西露營基地。