
working girl -Part 2

(2009-02-02 20:12:02) 下一個
Tess McGillfor Katharine Parker's office. It's the lastdesk. At the end of the aisle.

Hi. I'mKatharine Parker. You must be Tess. Hi. Great bunny.I don't usuallyhave a bunny on my desk. It was mybirthday a few days ago. No kidding.Mine's next Tuesday. How old? 30. Really? Well,I'll be 30 next Tuesday.

We'repractically twins. Except I'm older. Just barely. I've neverworked for somebody who was younger than mebefore. Or for a woman. Well, there's afirst time for everything. It's not goingto be a problem, is it? No. Good. Why don't youpour us a couple of coffees and come oninside? I'm light, no sugar.

The stock is at38, the tender's at 56. Come in. Yeah, what do wedo about that? Well, I justchecked my three.
What are yours?Yeah, I havethat one. I think he's inan underwater position. All right.That's our first and second call,
and then we'llsee where we are. 'll count theminutes. Bye. Thanks.

So, Tess, a fewground rules. The way I lookat it, you are my linkwith the outside world. People'simpression of me starts with you. You're toughwhen it's warranted, accommodatingwhen you can be. You're accurate,punctual.
You never make apromise you can't keep. I'm never onanother line, I'm in a meeting. I consider us ateam, and as such wehave a uniform. Simple, elegant,impeccable. "Dressshabbily, they notice the dress. Dressimpeccably, they notice the woman." Coco Chanel. How do I look? You lookterrific. You might wannarethink the jewellery. I want yourinput, Tess. I welcome your ideas and I like tosee hard work rewarded. It's a two-waystreet on my team. Am I makingmyself clear? Yes, Katharine. And call meKatharine. OK. So, let's get towork, shall we? Thisdepartment's profile last year was pitiful. Our team's gotits work cut out for it. OK. Thanks.

Damn. I forgotmy pills again. It's the thirdtime this month. Did you hearabout that shot. they got inEurope?
They're givingit to women, in their arm. It's good forfive years. Damn pills. I'malways forgetting 'em.

i thought youmight like this. Thank you.

Tess,would you come in here andbring a notebook? They've sold thepaper and printing divisions. They sellDistribution too, we're talkingreal scorched earth. Come on in. Tess, this isGinny. Ginny, Tess.

I thought I'dthrow a cocktail thing to introducemyself to the department. Ginny here hassome great ideas.Will you jotthem down? The caterer iscalled Acme Eats. You can get thenumber from Information. They do theusual hors d'oeuvres. The Raging Bullhas a bartender service. And the liquorstore on Broadway andLiberty delivers. Got that,Bess? Tess, yeah. If that's theway that you wanna go. You haveanother idea? Well, I was justreading in Wabout dim sum - these littleChinese dumplings. A restaurant onMott Street does them forcocktail parties. I love thoselittle dumplings. It might bemore fun than the usual tidbits. I have it onmy desk. I could get it. You readW?
I read a lot of things.You never know where the bigideas could come from. I guess you'reright. If dumplings
can beconsidered a big idea. Well, thatoughta get you started... Ginny, thankyou so much. Back to thegold mines.
Right.You'll setthose up? Right away. Dim sum, Tess. Ilike it, contribution-wise. Keep it up.

The chief says"We will give" you anhonourable death." "But first,keke."

Excuse me. Excuseme. Dim sum? Yes, yes.

Come on,Katharine. What do you say? Jim, the man whospends very weekend inAugust glued to his desk, that man knowsthat I can't just sneak outof my own party. I'll tell youwhat, though. You get me in on theSoutheast Air divestiture plan, I'll buy you adrink. Bottle ofCristal, two straws. Deal? Okey-dokey. Dim sum? Hi. Thank you. Whata slob.You were sosmooth with him.

I would have...Never burnbridges. Today's junior prick, tomorrow'ssenior partner. So, how do youthink the party's going? Pretty well, Ithink. Should I stopserving now? Better makeone more round. Right. I'd help, but wecan't busy the quarterback with passing outthe Gatorade. Arnie, my hero.You've come.Yeah?

I have an idea and you said Icould come to you. Shoot. Well, you knowhow Trask Industries has been looking tobuy into broadcasting? The departmentis...Working on it,yeah. I've beenfollowing it myself, and all of asudden I thought "radio." Trask islooking for television stations. So is everyTom, Dick and Harry.

My idea is thatthey get their feet wet in radio and build fromthere. It's not asglamorous as jumping rightinto TV, but it's a solidplace to start and there's alot more of them for sale. Plus it wouldsolve Trask's problem with the Japanesetrying to take him over, because FCCforbids foreign ownership of radio as wellas TV. Interesting.You've been following this,you say? Yeah. No chance youoverheard it, say on theelevator? No, no way. Somewhere. It's my idea. Good, good.
Discuss itwith anyone else? Nope. Youthink there's something there? Well, I canthink it through for you. Leave me yournotes. I'll have a look-see. OK. I've been tryingto get into the entrée programme andthis would be a big push.
If anythinghappens, you'll... Absolutely,Tess. Two-way street,remember? Yeah, thank you.

It's just... It'sso exciting.I mean, shetakes me seriously. I know you hatewhen I say this, but I think it'sbecause she's a woman.There's none ofthat chasing-around-the-deskcrap. And it's likeshe wants to be my mentor, which is exactlywhat I needed. I feel like I'mfinally gettin' somewhere. That's great,but let's step on it or the pizza'sgonna freeze, honey.
Maybe we couldall go out sometime. Dinner in thecity.You would likeher, I think.

God. Rememberwhen all you had to do was a fewbuckles? Yeah. Those werethe days. I called theinn. All they can give you is aground-floor single in the new wing. Did you tellthem it was me? Well, I saidParker. It's this towerroom with a canopy bed and a fireplacebig enough to stand in. Perfect.Everything's in place. For what? The man I'vebeen seeing for a while. I think he's it.And I think this could bethe weekend we decide. He said therewas something very important he wanted todiscuss with me. I think he'sgonna pop the question. You do? I think so. We're in thesame city now. I've indicatedthat I'm receptive to an offer. I've cleared themonth of June. And I am, afterall, me. What if hedoesn't pop the question? I really don'tthink that's a variable. Tess, you don'tget anywhere in this world by waiting forwhat you want to come to you.You make ithappen.Watch me, Tess.Learn from me. By the way, Iran your Trask radio idea by some of ourpeople. It seems Traskis dead set on television. But it wasn'tout in left field either. I really likedthe idea. You just keepplugging and bring me your ideas, andwe'll see what we can do. Thank you,Katharine.

-Tess... Look at me. Whomakes it happen? I do. Who does? I do. I make ithappen.That's right.Only then
do we get whatwe deserve.

Miss Parker'soffice. Hi, Katharine.You what? Broke itskiing. They won't beable to move me for two weeks, sothis is what I need you to do.

Water plants.OK.Cable comes onFriday.Easy with theleg, will you? Quit staring upmy gown. Now, I'm stayingat my parents' house and thehousekeeper is in Barbados.What a mess. Youneed to let in the flower manand the cleaning lady.Sort through themail.

The entrancecode for the front door is...It's 754-3-2000. I know there'smore, but I can't think of what. Go through thecalendar on my desk. There's a bunchof invitations to be RSVP'd. I know I'masking an awful lot, Tess, but I don't knowwhat else to do. I need you totake over. OK. Bye.

Regardingthose horrid little knick-knacksfrom the Alberts...DearEleanor and Gary.Thankyou for the salt and pepper shakers.Notonly are they the perfect house-warming gift,but it was so dear of you to think of me.

DearSister. It's hard to believe it's been eight yearssince we said goodbye to Wellesley, but ofcourse we never really say goodbye.Onbehalf of the Alumni Giving Fund, I amwriting to you to ask...

DearSister. It's hard to believe it's been eight yearssince we said goodbye to Wellesley,but ofcourse we never really say goodbye.Onbehalf of the Alumni Giving Fund, I amwriting to you to ask...To ask... Toa... To ask... To... ask...
I am writing toyou to ask...

DearMomo and Baa. Here Iam living in Mummy's house while Ibrave the New York real-estate market lookingfor a place of my own. I missyou all terribly, but it will be so lovely to seeyou when you return from Barbados. Tillthen, have fun. Much love to you and, ofcourse, to Claudette. Love,Kiki.

To JackTrainer,DeweyStone & Company, from me.Re:Trask Industries radionetwork acquisition. Hardcopy on this from the home computer.Do not go through Tess.

"Two-waystreet." And "Youmake it happen."

What? Noclass?

- No class. Tess, this isnot what it looks like. I mean, it iswhat it looks like, but I canexplain. Well, notexactly explain.

- You snake. Shit. Come on, Tess.I'm sorry, I really am. I love you. Comeon.Come back andhit me. Please.

Hello. MrTrainer's office, please? Hello. TessMcGill calling from Petty Marsh. May I put herthrough? Thank you.
Mr Trainer? Hi, this is TessMcGill. I work with Katharine Parker over herein Mergers and Acquisitions. I have aproposal that I'd like todiscuss with you. Not over thephone, though. I have anopening tomorrow morningat 10 o'clock.OK. I'll messengeran outline over to youright now. Bye.

Yes, I'm callingfor Katharine Parker in regard to yourinvitation. Miss Parker isout of town, but Miss Tess McGill will beattending in her place. Yes. Thank you.


00:31:42,120--> 00:31:44,554

Why does it dothat?


00:31:44,640--> 00:31:47,996

- For cleaning.

- Are youkiddin' me?


00:31:48,080--> 00:31:50,071



00:31:54,120--> 00:31:56,509

What is thisthing you're going to anyway?


00:31:56,600--> 00:32:00,673

The closingparty for the Minidyne-Dalton

merger. DeweyStone is throwing it.


00:32:00,760--> 00:32:03,877

That's whereTrainer works.

It's the perfecttime to meet him.


00:32:03,960--> 00:32:07,589

Mix businesswith pleasure.

Fringe times arecrucial.


00:32:07,680--> 00:32:10,069

What'd you do,snatch her invite?


00:32:10,160--> 00:32:12,151

Well, she can'tuse it.


00:32:12,240--> 00:32:16,472

It's importantfor me to start interacting

with people, notas a secretary...


00:32:16,560--> 00:32:19,120

But as a totalimpostor. Right.


00:32:22,120--> 00:32:24,509

This is it.


00:32:25,960--> 00:32:29,236

It needs somebows or somethin'.


00:32:29,320--> 00:32:33,438

No. It's simple,elegant,

yet makes astatement.


00:32:33,520--> 00:32:38,036

Says to people:Confident, a risk-taker,

not afraid to benoticed.


00:32:38,120--> 00:32:42,591

Then you hit 'emwith your smarts.

Here. Shoes. Ineed shoes.


00:32:44,720 -->00:32:47,871

$6,000? It's noteven leather.


00:32:50,080--> 00:32:52,071



00:32:54,720--> 00:32:57,234



00:32:57,320--> 00:33:01,791

- Cyn, I can'tbreathe so good.

- Oh, God. Comehere.


00:33:01,880--> 00:33:05,668

Sit down. Let'ssee

if she's gotanything soothing.


00:33:18,440--> 00:33:22,353

Valium. In theconvenient economy size.


00:33:22,440--> 00:33:24,829

- You sure?

- Just chillsyou ever so slightly.


00:33:24,920--> 00:33:27,309

You won't evennotice it.


00:33:32,560--> 00:33:35,358

Are you sureabout this?


00:33:35,440--> 00:33:39,228

You wanna betaken seriously,

you need serioushair.


00:34:12,720--> 00:34:17,236

Go for the jugular.

There are 19million shares outstanding.


00:34:17,320--> 00:34:20,676

We got 25% . Weget another 5%,

we've got 'em bythe throat.


00:34:20,760--> 00:34:23,399

Trainer, let'sgrab 'em by the balls.


00:34:23,480--> 00:34:28,838

Cut 'em off atthe knees. They'll be

eating out ofour hands. What do you say?


00:34:28,920--> 00:34:31,957

- Anybodythirsty?

- We need thisone, Trainer.


00:34:32,040--> 00:34:35,032

- You need thisone.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.


00:34:47,360--> 00:34:51,319

- I've beenlooking for you.

- Why? Do youknow me?


00:34:51,400--> 00:34:56,235

No, but Ipromised myself that,

when I saw you,I would get to know you.


00:34:56,960--> 00:34:59,952

You're the firstwoman here

that dresseslike a woman,


00:35:00,040--> 00:35:03,589

not like a womanthinks

a man woulddress if he was a woman.


00:35:03,680--> 00:35:07,275

- Thank you, Iguess.

- What are youdoing here?


00:35:07,360--> 00:35:11,638

I'm looking forsomeone myself. His name

is Jack Trainer.He works at Dewey Stone.


00:35:11,720--> 00:35:14,234

Do you know ifhe's here?


00:35:14,320--> 00:35:16,550

Why are youlooking for him?


00:35:16,640--> 00:35:18,949

Well, I have ameeting with him tomorrow.


00:35:19,040--> 00:35:23,079

I thought itmight be nice

to say hello andget a head start.


00:35:24,160--> 00:35:27,550

Well, he justleft.


00:35:32,360--> 00:35:35,670

- I should begoing myself.

- Have a drinkwith me.


00:35:35,760--> 00:35:38,752

I can't. What'syour name?


00:35:38,840--> 00:35:41,877

No. No names. Nobusiness cards.


00:35:41,960--> 00:35:44,315

- No "Youmust know so and so".

- What is this?


00:35:44,400--> 00:35:48,109

No résumés.Let's just meet

like humanbeings for once.


00:35:50,560--> 00:35:54,030

It's nice tomeet you, whatever your name is,

but I do have togo.


00:35:54,360 -->00:35:57,397

Please. Please.One drink.

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