6月, 從兩年前開始, 就染上了憂傷。
兩年前的6月26日, 我很喜歡的MJ凝成了永遠的Legend。今天早上起來, 發現Summer真正開始了, 孩子們也不用上令他們焦頭爛額的中文學校了。我從書架上抽出5張我收藏的MJ的DVD,把小企鵝們叫跟前說:兩年前的今天MJ去世了, 我們今天看張他的歌舞蝶紀念他, 你們挑一張吧。 姐弟倆由於我的影響,也聽過看過不少MJ的表演, 對他的很多歌都耳熟能詳, 象dangerous,will you be there,black and white,(他們的最愛, 估計最愛的是Macaulay Culkin把他老爸震上天的那段惡作劇吧)等等等等, 所以他們挑了這張Dangerous。
還是那樣令人動容,特別是看到他在1993年的Grammy Award的發獎儀式上所做的演講時,那真誠的獨白,那對全世界孩子們,特別是那些身處貧困的, 生病的孩子們的發自內心的關懷與支持, 無不讓人心生敬佩與感動。就像他歌中唱的
“There is a place in your heart
And I know that it is love
And this place could be much brighter than tomorrow……”
就象他畫麵中出現的那樣, heal the world 有時並不需要飛機大炮, 一個創可貼就行了。可是每天扭開電視, 不是這裏爆炸, 就是那裏叛亂,不知什麽時候this place could be much brighter than tomorrow 。
喜歡極了他的這段speech,what a warm- hearted human being he is, hope he’s doing great in Heavan too。
“My childhood was completely taken away from me. There was no Christmas, there were no birthdays, it was not a normal childhood, nor the normal pleasures of childhood - those were exchanged for hard work, struggle, and pain , and eventually material and professional success. But as an awful price, I cannot re-create that part of my life. However, today, when I create my music, I feel like an instrument of nature. I wonder what delight nature must feel when we open our hearts and express our God-given talents. The sound . . . of approval rolls across the universe, and the whole world abounds in magic. Wonder fills our hearts, for what we have glimpsed, for an instant, the playfulness of life.
And that's why I love children and learn so much from being around them. I realise that many of our world's problems today - from the inner city crime, to large scale wars and terrorism, and our overcrowded prisons - are a result of the fact that children have had their childhood stolen from them. The magic, the wonder, the mystery, and the innocence of a child's heart, are the seeds of creativity that will heal the world. I really believe that.
What, what we need to learn, what we need to learn from children isn't childish. Being with them connects us to the deeper wisdom of life which is everpresent, and only asks to be lived. They know the solutions that lie waiting to be recognised within our own hearts. Today, I would like to thank all the children of the world, including the sick and deprived . . . I am so sensitive to your pain. “
喔喔喔, 你女兒都哈佛畢業了?看來你離做“稀奇老嶽母”是越來越近了哈。我還是買了那個杯子, 更玄乎的是VE RI TAS 不僅分印成了三段, 還分做兩行(TAS在第二行),你說他們是不是故意的?想整我們這些腋下不夾報紙的老百姓?(那老頭據那個cashier說是學校裏的一老教授)。
現在終於明白了, 確實是鳥語,這就不怪我了。 不過古希臘羅馬裏的Goddess實在是太多了, 都怪那個花心大羅卜宙斯, 他得有多少mistress啊?不知生產出多少各式各樣的小Goddess,以前看希臘神話故事看得我暈頭轉向,一頭霧水, 到現在都沒搞明白那個花心大羅卜到底有多少mistress, 你知道麽?
至於為什麽印成VE RI TAS,"像哪國的鳥語一樣",不知是不是為了故意激發人們追求知識和真理的熱情呢?
Hehe,參觀學校也有Early Decision 嗎?俺是去參加女兒的畢業典禮,天天暴曬、腐敗、握手、微笑。~~~~
哈哈,那個giftshop cashier真逗,我還不時見過這種人呢,不知所雲亂彈琴。~~~ 不過那位腋下夾著一疊報紙準備匆匆出門的一個老頭講得對哦,VERITAS 是羅馬神話裏的“真理之神”(Goddess of Truth),印在杯子上大概是表示哈佛是一個追求真理的學府吧。至於為什麽印成VE RI TAS,像哪國鳥語一樣,就不知故意激發人們最求知識和真理的熱情呢?後來你買那杯子了嗎?
你三個禮拜前就去了? early decision啊?我朋友家的小孩要上高中了, 我是隨他們去參觀學習的, 我們家那倆小學還沒畢業,還可以做很多年混混呢。JJ說了, I like Harvard because it's a good place for shopping;but I don't want go to Harvard because they have a lot of extra homeworks.
有趣的是我在一個gift shop裏買了一個杯子, 上麵寫著VE RI TAS。我很納悶, 就問cashier這是什麽意思, 那家夥脫口而出“Virginia”, 我說那是“VA, how about RI? Rhode Island?doesn't make any sence”。 那家夥連連說“I don't know, I
don't know.” 我想了半天也不知這杯子該不該買(我可不想象有些老外在手背上刺個“傻瓜”字樣的刺青哈)。這時就看到那個cashier突然攔住一個腋下夾著一疊報紙準備匆匆出門的一個老頭問那杯子上寫的是嘛意思。 那老頭想都不想就說到T-R-U-T-H, 說完扭頭就走了, 留下我們這群傻瓜呆在那, 到現在都沒整明白那是哪國鳥語。你知道麽?
麗雅好!剛剛從Boston回來,帶倆小朋友去“上”哈佛去了。那個tour guide 是個Harvard 的Sophomore ,他對我說:“我媽看到你一定很生氣, 你一分錢不花就進了Harvard, 孩子那麽小就帶來進Harvard, U made a lot of parents jealous。”哈哈, 是啊, 孩子這時候最好玩, 想去six flags?NO way。 let's go to Harvard。他們要永遠都這樣多好啊!長大了不知得有多少世事等著他們去麵對,特別是對情感比較細膩的人,精神上的痛苦是一把看不見的利刃,那些莫名其妙,鋪天蓋地的誹謗,中傷排山倒海地湧向MJ,他那麽真誠,善良,象孩子一樣純潔的心,得經過多少煎熬啊!讓我們永遠都記住他。
同祝國慶快樂! 看焰火愉快!