


(2009-02-18 05:26:49) 下一個
Tao Classic Organic Facial
Deeppore-cleanse, exfoliate, massage and hydrate your skin with Eminence.This organic facial will be custom-blended to nourish your skin type.All products used are rich in biofavonoids, vitamins and minerals.

70.00  (60mins)

Tao Express Facial
A refreshing facial that cleanses, exfoliates and hydrates the skin on the go!

50.00  (45mins)

Organic AHA & Paprika
Foran indefinable glow, the Paprika treatment is the hottest facial and acelebrity favorite! Renew your skin tone and texture to a glowing andyouthful appearance from nature's fruit n' spices (20% GycolicTreatment)

80.00  (75mins)

Yam & Pumkin Enzyme 20% Peel
Repairand rejuvenate your skin with yammy peels that will leave your skindeliciously clear! See great results in a shorter period of time. Bestresults in a series of four treatments.
(Best results in a series of 4 treatments)

50.00  (30mins)

80.00  (60mins)

Ageless Beauty
Thisexquisite facial includes a lemon lime antioxidant gel, algae andnatural phyto-estrogens to give skin clarity and increase circulation.This highly active masque will leave your complexion absolutelyrevitalized. Experience the healthy glow after the treatment.
Not recommended for extremely sensitive skin types.

85.00  (75mins)

'The Pearfect' Facial
Atruly unique facial utilizing a natural pear & poppy seed exfoliantwith the microdermabrasion action of poppy seeds and fine walnuts. Thispear and green apple treatment is beneficial for toning and nourishingthe skin.

80.00  (75mins)

Stone Crop Lightening
(Parsley and Cucumber Exfoliant)
Forintensive hydration and restoration. Brighten up your skin with thehealing properties of StoneCrop, and minimize pigmentation.
(Suitable for all skin types including sensitive skins)

70.00 (60mins)

Tomtoe Treatment
Finally....anatural treatment for problematic skin! Derived from lycopene richtomatoes and odorless garlic to clarify and heal acne. Balance oilproduction and treat acne at the source by reducing inflamation andincreasing oxygen to the skin.

95.00 (90mins)


Consult with our Estheticians to see which treatment is best suited for your skin type.

Additional Services
Extractions add 15.00
Eye Treatment add 10.00
Lip Treatment add 10.00
Lash Extensions (60mins) 70.00
Lash Ext Refills (30mins) 35.00
Lash/Eyebrow Tinting 20.00
MakeUp 65.00
Bridal MakeUp 75.00
(Consultation for the Bride) 45.00
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