


(2005-04-09 20:22:22) 下一個
怎樣給寶寶辦簽證和寄養證事(加拿大篇) 2005-01-31 19:58:54 加拿大公民申辦中國簽證須知 Instructions for Visa Application The following documents should be submitted when applying for Chinese visa: 1. Passport with at least 6 months remaining validity and available blank pages for visa; 2. One properly completed visa application form, which could be obtained from the Chinese Embassy or Consulate-General in person, or by mail with a pre-paid return envelope, or be downloaded from the following website: www.chinaembassycanada.org. 3. A recent passport-size photo stuck on the visa application form; 4. Other relevant documents for different types of visa: 1) for Business “F” visa: an official invitation letter from the authorized Chinese government departments, companies or institutions. 2) for Tourist/Family-visit “L" visa: Except those travelling to Tibet, no additional documents are required for “L" visa applicants. Please note that the Chinese Embassy or Consulate-General does not issue individual visa for tourists to Tibet. All applicants travelling to Tibet need to contact your local travel agency to obtain confirmation for group visa of no less than 5 people from the Tourist Bureau of Tibet at Fax: 011-86-891-34632 or 011-86-891-35588, Lhasa, Tibet, China or at Tel : 01-212- 867-0271, Fax: 01-212-599-2892 New York Office of China National Tourist Service, or from China National Tourist Office, Toronto at Tel:(416)599-6636 Fax:(416)599 -6382. 3) for Student “X” visa: A. Foreign Student Visa Application Form “JW201” or “JW202” issued by the Chinese Ministry of Education. B. an enrollment letter from the receiving university in China. 4) for Employment/Work “Z” visa: A. an Employment License issued by the Chinese Labor and Social Security Ministry. For applicants to be working in an academic institution, a confirmation issued by the Chinese State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs. B. an official invitation issued by a concerned authorized agency. 5) for Transit “G” visa: A. a valid visa of the country of destination; B. an air ticket showing transit through China. 6) for Journalist’s “J-1” or “J-2” Visa, please first contact the Press Offices of the Chinese Embassy in Ottawa or the Chinese Consulates-General in Toronto, Vancouver and Calgary. 7) for Crew Members of unscheduled flight of private aircraft or vessels, please first apply with competent Chinese authorities for landing/docking permit. 8) for Group visa , which is issued to tourist group of five people or above planning to enter and leave China at the same time and via the same airport or border-crossing: A. an invitation letter from a Chinese travel agency; B. an authorized group visa number given by the Chinese travel agency; C. copies of the information pages of the applicants’ passport; D. three properly completed group visa forms, which could be obtained from the Chinese travel agency ,the Chinese Embassy or the Chinese Consulates-General. 5. Other additional documents deemed necessary by the visa officer. TYPES OF VISA FEES: 1-Entry 2-Entry 6-month Multiple 12-Month Multiple 50CAD 75 CAD 100 CAD 150 CAD Visa processing takes 4 working days. For special cases, rush service is provided and the applicants need to pay the extra rush service fee. The rush service fees are rated as following: $50 Canadian Dollars per person for the same day service (application should be submitted before 11:00 am); $35 Canadian Dollars per person for the second or third day service. All payments need to be made by cash, money order or certified checks. Please be noted that the Chinese Embassy in Canada does not accept any straight forward application sent by mail or courier. Those who wish to apply for Chinese visa or document authentication by mail or courier need to send the applications to their clients or travel agencies in Ottawa, such as “GOLDEN MILE 2000 Travel Consultant” , who will submit the applications to the Embassy for processing on behalf of the applicants. The address, phone and fax number of“GOLDEN MILE 2000 Travel Consultant”are as follows: GOLDEN MILE 2000 Travel Consultant 203-1390 Prince of Wales Dr.,Ottawa,Ont.,Canada K2C 3K6 Tel:(613)224-6863 Fax:(613)224-7863 申請外籍兒童寄養須知   相關規定:   1. 外籍兒童是指公安機關根據《中華人民共和國國籍法》的規定,經審查後確認的不滿16周歲以下具有中國血統的外籍人。   2. 對符合外籍兒童寄養條件的,以公安機關審批後,根據申請人需要可以辦理不超過三年有效的居留證件。   3. 在居留期間,該兒童需要短期出境並返回的,應在出境申請返回簽證。在居留期滿後需繼續寄養的,應提前10日申請辦理延期。  4. 申請居留證件應提供下列證明:   (一) 被寄養者有效護照和出生證明。   (二) 被寄養者父母雙方或一方為外國人的,須提供外國護照、證件的複印件;其父母雙方或一方為中國公民的,須提供在國外定居證件的複印件。   (三) 寄養兒童的父母要提出書麵申請。申請內容包括寄養理由,指定撫養、監護人,寄養年限及寄養兒童父母的簡曆(含國籍、職業或身份、何時何因出國、何時獲得所在國居留權、何時加入外國籍)等。該書麵申請可以由其父母本人直接呈交,也可以由撫養、監護人代為轉交。   (四) 要有可靠撫養、監護人。承擔寄養者須與被寄養者有親屬關係。承擔寄養者要提交其身份證、戶口本複印件,並寫出保證書,保證對被寄養者擔負撫養和監護的責任。   承擔寄養者的保證書應包括下列內容:1、承擔人的基本情況(包括姓名、工作單位、職業、家庭住址、與被寄養人的關係等);2、被寄養者的基本情況(包括姓名、出生日期及出生地點);3、接受被寄養人父母委托,承擔撫養與監護責任;4、保證被寄養者如沒有不可抗拒的原因按期出境。   承擔寄養者的保證書要經市一級公證機關公證。   (五)公安機關認為必要提供的其他證明。   承擔寄養者應履行下列手續:   (一) 交驗寄養兒童暫住戶口申報證明。   (二) 按示範說明的要求填寫《外國人簽證辦證申請表》。   (三) 繳交2張近期2寸免冠正麵半身相片。   (四) 繳交簽證費。 中華人民共和國在加拿大設有如下外交、領事機構: 中華人民共和國駐加拿大大使館(地點在渥太華); 中華人民共和國駐多倫多總領事館 中華人民共和國駐溫哥華總領事館 中華人民共和國駐卡爾加裏總領事館 中國駐加拿大使館、總領事館的地址、電話、傳真、辦公時間及各館領事服務區域: 中華人民共和國駐加拿大使館 515 St. Patrick Street, Ottawa, Ont. K1N 5H3 電話: (613)-7899608 傳真: (613)-7891414 24小時自動谘詢電話: (613)-7890327, 7890329 辦公時間: 9:00AM –1:00PM (周一至周五,節假日不辦公) 領事服務區域: 渥太華地區、魁北克、紐芬蘭省、新不倫瑞克省、新斯科舍省、愛德華王子島省(Ottawa Region, Quebec, Newfoundland & Labrador, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island)。 中華人民共和國駐多倫多總領事館 240 St. George Street Toronto, Ont. M5R 2P4 電話: (416) 9647260 傳真: (416)324-9010 24小時簽證自動谘詢電話:(416)-9648861 辦公時間: 9:00AM –12:00AM 1:30PM-3:30PM (周一至周五,節假日不辦公) 領事服務區域: 安大略省、曼尼托巴省(Ontario and Manitoba)。 中華人民共和國駐溫哥華總領事館 3380 Granville Street, Vancouver, BC, V6H 3K3 電話: (604) 7365188 傳真: (604)737-0154 24小時簽證谘詢電話:(604)-7340704/7363955 辦公時間: 9:00AM –1:00PM (周一至周五,節假日不辦公) 領事服務區域: 不列顛哥倫比亞省和育空地區(British Columbia and Yukon Territory)。 中華人民共和國駐卡爾加裏總領事館 Suite 100, 1011-6th Ave. S. W. Calgary, Alberta T2P 0W1 電話: (403) 264-3322 傳真: (403)264-6656 辦公時間: 9:00AM –12:00AM (周一至周五,節假日不辦公) 領事服務區域:阿爾伯塔省、薩斯喀切溫省和西北地區 ( Alberta, Saskatchewan and Northwest Territories)。
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