未名論壇 2009
主講人:北京大學副校長,經濟學教授 海聞
海聞 主講嘉賓
海聞 博士,北京大學副校長,經濟學教授(英之傑講座教授),兼任北京大學深圳研究生院院長、匯豐商學院院長。主要研究和教學領域為國際經濟學、發展經濟學,同時擔任中國經濟學年會秘書長、中國國際經濟技術合作促進會常務理事會常務理事、《國際經濟學譯叢》主編等職。曾任中國留美經濟學會會長、福特基金會中國經濟研究基金學術委員會委員、北京2008年奧運會申辦委員會經濟問題陳述專家、衛生部政策與管理研究專家委員會委員等。
時間: 2009年1月6日(星期二)19:00-19:30 注冊,19:30 講座
地點: (地圖)
Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport
Grand Peninsula A&B
1333 Bayshore Highway
Burlingame, California, USA 94010
費用: 免費
http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?key=pXD4YzgS8zRx85RUFvOoeJg o
電話: 650-259-2100
電子郵件: cpeng_06@yahoo.com (請使用標題 北大未名論壇)
Turning Crisis into Opportunity
Current Financial Crisis and the Future of China\'s Economy
by Professor Wen Hai, Peking University
US\' economy is in a once-in-a-century crisis, former Federal Reserve Chief Alan Greenspan said on 9/14. Now, this corrosive force has significantly impacted the global economy. Following with US, the EU and Japan entering a recession, China\'s economy, which was given high expectations, has also slowed down.
Will we repeat the nightmare of the 1929 Great Depression? What\'s happening to the world economy? What\'s China\'s future like?
At the beginning of the year 2009, Prof. Hai Wen from PKU will discuss the challenge and opportunity behind the crisis.
Wen Hai
Inchcape Professor of International Trade, China Center for Economic Research (CCER), Peking University
Vice President, Peking University
Dr. Hai received his Ph.D. & M.A. in Economics from the University of California, Davis, and his B.A. in Political Economy from Peking University.
Dr. Hai was one of the founders of CCER. He has also served on the faculty at Fort Lewis College, Colorado State University; the Australian National University; the University of California, Davis, USA; and California State University, Sacramento, California, USA.
His major teaching and research areas are International Economics (Trade and Finance), Development Economics and Transitional Economics (Economic Transitions in Former Planned Economies). He is the author or the editor of several books including International Trade and International Trade Theory, etc. He has published numerous articles in various academic journals including America Economic Review, International Trade, etc.
Date / Time: January 6th 2009 (Tuesday) 7:00pm-7:30pm Networking 7:30pm Speech
Location: (Maps & Directions)
Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport
Grand Peninsula A&B
1333 Bayshore Highway
Burlingame, California, USA 94010
Fee: Open to public (Free)
http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?key=pXD4YzgS8zRx85RUFvOoeJg o
Phone: 650-259-2100
E-mail: cpeng_06@yahoo.com (with subject: Weiming Forum)
Event Host:
Peking University Alumni Association of Northern California (PKUAANC)
Peking University Education Foundation (USA)
Nanhai Co. Inc. USA