My New Year's Resolution
(2009-12-30 19:53:57)
I have made many new year\'s resolutions but they usually failed in half way. But it is still good that I have some and they give me a fresh sense and hopes.
Before I look forward to 2010, I would like to look back my 2009 first.
My weight loss plan failed: I lost 10 pounds but later on it bounced back the old one. It really required the iron will to achieve the goal.
I finished NCE II but failed to finish NCE III and IV. But I forgave myself: doing it occasionally is better than not doing it at all. Setting higher bar may intimidate myself.
I bought a condo almost unconsciously and it is a long, interesting story. I was following the process blindly. Until the day I got the key, I realized I am a home owner now. It was excited and thrilled. Fortunately, so far, so good even there are some problems here and there. You cannot get everything in perfect, right?
I got a big skin breakout after I moved into my apt. It was horrible and I thought I was food or chemistry poisoned and doctors cannot identify the allergy source. After one month, I figured out it was bedbug breakout in the building. It took me some time to get rid of them. Well, problems always exist, but we are problem solver, right?
Last but not least, my long time bf decided to move over and no longer long distance. We finally turned a new page. Even there are still a lot of issues ahead, but I am sure we will sort them out.
I felt, these so called big things happened in my life were never planned so I decided do whatever I can and go with the flow.
For 2010, English communication is still one of my goals, I would like keep reading the articles and may focus on grammars a bit. For life, I might have my first baby next year. But again, I will do whatever I can do but go with the flow.