Please save our tigers in the Year of Tiger!
It\'s the Year of the Tiger on the Chinese lunar calendar, but time is running out for wild tigers. Help us save them before it\'s too late.
Dear Friend,
Tigers are in trouble. Serious trouble.
Recent population surveys tell the alarming story of the tiger\'s decline:
Are You a Tiger?
Are you bold and brave...a charismatic and natural leader...always seeking a thrill? If so, then you might be a TIGER!
According to the Chinese lunar calendar, 2010 is the Year of the Tiger. The Tiger is the third sign in the Chinese Zodiac cycle, and it is a sign of courage, power, and excitement.
So are you a tiger? Check the list below to see if you were born in a Year of the Tiger:
Hey - if you\'re a tiger, why not make a donation in honour of the Year of the Tiger? To make it really special, give a gift equal to the age you\'re turning in 2010.
The total number of wild tigers in Asia has dropped to fewer than 3,500.
In 2009 alone, India saw a 20% decrease in tiger numbers, while a survey in the Russia Far East showed a possible 30-40% decrease.
There are more tigers in cages than there are in the wild. In the U.S. alone, the captive tiger population is between 5,000 and 10,000 - most of which live in cramped and miserable conditions in roadside zoos, backyard breeding facilities, circus wagons and private homes.
Tiger farms in China not only keep tigers in awful conditions, but also kill them for the trade of their parts. And this illegal trade of captive tiger parts is also stimulating the poaching of wild tigers.
How do we save tigers?
There are three critical elements to IFAW\'s campaign to save tigers:
Protecting Tigers Where They Live: IFAW and our partner, Wildlife Trust of India, equip and train hundreds of wildlife guards in protected areas in India. In the Russian Far East, IFAW supports the highly effective Khasan anti-poaching brigade to protect wild tigers in their natural habitat. And we rescue orphaned and injured tigers and release them into protected areas and conservation programmes.
Better Enforcement: Around the world, IFAW conducts intensive training programmes to help customs officials and border guards prevent the illegal trade in tigers and their parts, and to stop the smuggling of wildlife contraband.
Elimination of Trade: IFAW works to uphold international and domestic trade bans of tiger parts from all sources. We\'re educating consumers in many countries to reject products containing tigers and other wildlife, and we\'re working with the Traditional Medicine community to eliminate the demand for medicines made with tiger parts.
We\'ve made some great progress, but we can\'t save wild tigers alone. We need you, and we need to act now.
The Year of the Tiger
2010 is the Year of the Tiger according to the Chinese lunar calendar -- it\'s time to act to save these majestic animals.
Here are three things you can do right now to help:
Donate Now to help our campaign to save wild tigers and animals in crisis around the world.
Make sure you are not using products made from tigers or their parts, or any wildlife products. Click here to learn more about IFAW\'s efforts to save wild tigers and curtail the wildlife trade.
Spread the word: Copy and paste the text at the bottom of this page into an e-mail and send it to your family and friends.
Fate in our hands
Tigers have instilled awe in the hearts and minds of people throughout history. They are known around the world for their courage, strength and independence. But today, their fate is in our hands.
Let\'s make the Year of the Tiger a promising one for wild tigers.
Please take action right now to save them.
Thank you,
Fred O\'Regan