

When Does The New Jerusalem Appear? More On The New Jerusalem

(2013-09-11 11:48:36) 下一個

When Does The New Jerusalem Appear?

Q.  I had a discussion recently with my pastor about the new Jerusalem. I said I thought the new Jerusalem came at the beginning of the millennium, he thinks it comes at the end of the millennium. Any thoughts on this?


A.  People who think the  New Jerusalem doesn’t appear until the end of the Millennium don’t realize that Rev. 20:7-15 is a parenthetical insert John used to carry his discussion on the destinies of Satan and the unsaved to its ultimate conclusion.  Then in Rev. 21 he returned to the beginning of the Millennium to describe the New Jerusalem. The clue we get to confirm this is he opened with the same language Isaiah used to discuss Israel’s Kingdom Age on Earth (Isaiah 65:17-25).

At the rapture of the Church the Lord will take us to His Father’s house to be with Him where He is (John 14:2-3).  1 Thes 4:17 says once we go there,we’ll always be with Him.  Rev. 21:2 shows the New Jerusalem coming down out of Heaven and goes on to describe an entity far too big to be located on Earth. It must only come to Earth’s proximity.

In Matt. 24:29 Jesus said the Sun and Moon would no longer shine after the end of the Great Tribulation.  Rev. 21:22-27 describes the nations walking by the light of the New Jerusalem.  After the 2nd Coming the New Jerusalem will replace the Sun as Earth’s source of light.

Rev. 21:22-27 also shows the Kings of Earth bringing their splendor to the New Jerusalem, but says nothing impure can ever enter it, only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, which is a description of the Church.

All this shows two groups of humans, the nations of Earth still in their impure natural state, and the perfected Church, living nearby but protected from impurity, during the Millennium.

More On The New Jerusalem

Q. When the New Jerusalem ascends from heaven in Rev 21, I was under the impression that the city would not be on earth, but sort of a satellite, like our moon.  If that is the case, then part B of Rev 21:24 intrigues me:    “The peoples of the world will walk by its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their wealth into it.”  If this city is a satellite, how do earthly people “bring their wealth into it?”  I believe you also believe the New Jerusalem will be a satellite.  I hope  I interpreted that correctly.  I guess there might be forms of travel.  It seems odd to think that we are new creatures and will be mingling with humans, or that humans will be walking within the New Jerusalem.

A. I believe New Jerusalem will be in close proximity to Earth, but not on it.  It’s simply too big to fit anywhere.  I think it will be the source of light for the Earth, as the Sun is now.  Rev. 16:10 says that the 5th bowl judgment will plunge the world into darkness.  Matt. 24:29 says the Sun, Moon and stars will go dark at the end of the Great Tribulation.  There’s no indication their light is ever restored.  Quite possibly light only returns to Earth when the New Jerusalem descends to take its place near Earth. Rev. 21:23-25 says there’s no more night in New Jerusalem, but in several places Ezekiel says day and night will still be reckoned on Earth during the Millennium.  To me that means New Jerusalem is the only source of light for the Earth. If so, then soon we really will be the light of the world.

But only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life can enter it (Rev. 21:27).  That means only the redeemed Church.  No natural humans will be admitted there, although I believe we can visit Earth.  And as for the Kings of the Earth bringing their wealth into the New Jerusalem, why not space shuttles, or better yet, teleportation?  We are talking about the power of God after all.

Where Will Old Testament Saints Live?

Q. Thank you so much for your site. I have been a believer since I was a preteen, I am now in my late 50′s,  and I have always been interested in the end times. I have learned a lot from your site. However, I have another question about the millennium. If I understand correctly, the church will be in New Jerusalem, the tribulation saints serve in the temple, those who survived the tribulation will live on Earth to repopulate it with the Jewish people living in Israel. How about the Old Testament saints? I know they were in Sheol until Jesus went to get them and they are in Heaven now. But where will they live during the millennium? Thank you so much for your work in the faith.


A. I believe the Old Testament saints will live in Israel. The promise to Israel has always been that in the Kingdom Age, God would dwell among them again. Since He’ll inhabit the Millennial Temple in Israel, this is the likely place for them to be as well. Ezekiel 37:15-28 gives a clear picture of Israel one day living peacefully in the land forever with David as their eternal King.

Just as people from all the generations of the Church will inhabit the New Jerusalem, people from all generations of Israel will inhabit the Promised Land.

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