趙愷健 (2012-10-23)
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位於義順的1 Canberra項目,今年8月以161萬元售出一個2713平方英尺的單位,成為曆來售價最高的新EC單位。(互聯網) |
自2010年第四季以來,共有多達343個新的“執行共管公寓”(Executive Condominium,簡稱EC)單位是以超過100萬元售出,而其中超過一半是在今年的首八個月內進行的交易。單在今年第二季,就有將近100個這種 價位的單位售出,占了該季所有EC銷售的10%,而去年同期則隻售出10個這個價位的單位。
根據房地產服務公司第一太平戴維斯(Savills)的報告,這顯示了目前市場對於豪華與更大麵積的EC單位的需求提高了,越來越多富裕的年輕買家買 下更大與更豪華的頂樓單位或套房。這個趨勢很可能是因為低利率與高收入導致,加上很多EC買家其實在最近幾輪的房市降溫措施都沒有受到影響。組屋提升者也 從價格日益上漲的組屋中獲利,進而能夠承擔得起更貴的執行共管公寓。
其中在今年8月創下的新紀錄是在義順的一個新EC單位,它以161萬元的價格售出,成為曆來最昂貴的新EC單位。這個項目麵積為2713平方英尺,是 由中冶置地(MCC Land)發展的“1 Canberra”中的兩層樓、雙鑰匙、四臥房式頂層單位,每平方英尺價格為595元。
第二和第三高的是兩個在“雨林閣”(The Rainforest)的單位,分別以158萬元與156萬元售出,麵積都是超過2400平方英尺,可換算為每平方英尺637元至640元左右。這項目位於蔡厝港,由城市發展(CDL)和TID私人有限公司所共同開發。
第一太平戴維斯研究與谘詢部董事張敏璋說:“那些要價超過130萬元的EC單位所提供的寬敞空間,麵積往往是超過1900平方英尺至2700平方英尺 不等,這可能是一個主要的賣點。有一些是頂層單位或閣樓,提供無阻擋的視野、寬敞的陽台、四間臥房與私人的按摩浴缸等。”
他表示,其實根據市區重建局的數據,今年有超過30個既超過2000平方英尺,售價又低於160萬元的私宅單位售出。相比EC,這些私宅單位可能麵積 較小,但不必受到出售或出租的一些條例限製,也不會被五年的最低居住年限(MOP)所束縛。此外,若包括三四年的施工期,EC買家需等待八九年才能夠從資 產套現。
雖然他們預計新房貸條例限製不太會影響EC的需求,但對於買下更高價EC的時候需要注意,因為一旦利率在未來上漲的話,買家就需要償還更高的利息,每 月償還的房貸將成為更重的負擔。若根據1萬2000元家庭收入頂限來計算,當利率超過3%水平,買下超過110萬元項目的買家,每個房屋貸款與收入比率 (Loan-to-income)可能將超過30%。
《聯合早報》 ⋅ ⋅Research from real estate agency Savills Singapore has shown that over 300 new ECs were transacted above S$1 million, with half of these transacted in the first eight months of 2012.
The report said there are a “seemingly growing number of young, affluent buyers snagging bigger and more luxurious penthouses…”.
Other factors like rock-bottom interest rates, rising incomes and many EC buyers escaping unscathed from the latest rounds of property curbs also helped prop up demand.
Savills said that with more resale HDB flats sold at higher prices, it also helped deepened the pockets of many HDB upgraders who now have more to spend on their next property.
The research pointed out that the average price of all new ECs reached a historical high of S$731 per square foot (psf) in the third quarter.
Still, the average price quantum for all new ECs was still below S$1 million, at S$822,000 in the second quarter of 2012.
There is also growing concern that EC buyers may be stretching beyond their affordability.
Based on a S$12,000 income limit, which is an income ceiling prerequisite for all EC buyers, a purchase of over S$1.1 million may begin to stretch wallets once interest rates rise above 3 per cent.
When this happens, monthly mortgage instalments are estimated to be between S$4,400 and S$5,000, amounting to possibly a cash top-up of S$2,100 to S$2,700.
Loan repayments of ECs priced below S$1 million would still be in the ‘safe zone’ should interest rates climb to 4 per cent.
In February this year, a new record was set for ECs when a new 958 sq ft EC at the Arc was sold at S$941 psf.
The trend follows more ECs being priced at over S$800 psf.
In the first three quarters of this year, the number jumped significantly to 215 units, up from 19 units in 2011 and 13 units in 2010.
Source : Channel NewsAsia – 22 Oct 2012