

Strategic Trends 2011: The Rise of Islam

(2012-05-10 03:18:59) 下一個
Chuck Missler
Koinonia House
P.O. Box D
Coeur d’Alene, ID

The Origins of Islam
Islam did not begin with Muhammad; it began with
the worship of Al-Ilah, the Moon God, The Lord of the
Ka’aba and of 360 idols. Followers are known as “Muslims”
from the active participle of “islam” (which means
“submission”). The pre-Islamic deities of Arabia were
astral deities, especially the triad of the moon god, the
sun goddess, and the god associated with the planet
Venus. The moon god (Ilah) was the chief and was
protector of the cities. These deities were given various
names; however, the moon god was evidently originally
the Babylonian moon god Sin; in Arabic Al-Ilah. We
find early evidence of these practices in the Book of
Judges (in Judges 8:21, “ornament” = !Arh]f; saharon,
“moon,” “crescent”; as an ornament).
Islam is occultic and openly hostile to the West—both
Jews and Christians. It is the biggest challenge to the
West in the world today.
Abu al-Qasim Muhammad ibn ‘Abd Allah ibn ‘Abd al-
Muttalib ibn Hasim was persecuted in Mecca and fled
to Medina in 622 a.d. (the Hijrah). His teachings established
the emergent community-state of Islam: a combination
of beliefs and a legal system of Shariah law.
The Goals of Islam: Islam divides the universe into
two parts: Dar Al Islam, the domain of the faithful;
and Dar Al Harb, those with whom they are at war until
the Judgment Day. With an irrevocable commitment
to conquer the West, and now with nuclear weapons,
their agenda can no longer be ignored.
The Qur’an: A Warrior Code consisting of 114 Suras
(chapters). The Hadith: Six collections of the sayings
of Muhammad compiled in the 9th century a.d., regarded
as authoritative by the Sunni Muslims; Shi’ah
Muslims have a different set of sayings in their Hadith.
Is This Fanaticism?
Could one call the spiritual leader of an entire major
country a “fanatic,” a man universally recognized as
properly representing his religion? Who would know
his religion better than the spiritual leader himself?
Such was Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini when he declared,
“The purest joy in Islam is to kill and be killed for Allah.”
[Source: David Lamb, The Arabs: Journey Beyond
the Mirage, Vintage Books, 1987; page .287.]
Global Hypocrisy
Since its inception, jihad has been waged by Islamic
warriors to spread their religion of violence and hatred.
Islam does not change: Rioting Muslim mobs invariably
chant in their “fanaticism,” “Allah is greater! Allah is
greater!” (“Allah Ackbar” is a comparative: Greater
than Who?)
A Unique Doctrine of Islam
Abu-Bakr, the first Caliph to succeed Muhammad (and
one of the few to whom Muhammad promised Paradise
without martyrdom), declared that even if he had one
foot in Paradise he could not trust Allah to let him in:
“The only sure way in Islam of achieving Paradise is
to sacrifice one’s life in jihad...Suicide is forbidden as
self-murder; But to sacrifice one’s life in killing infidels
carries the highest reward.”
A Religion of Peace?
There are more than 100 verses in the Qur’an advocating
the use of violence to spread Islam. In the Qur’an,
Allah commands Muslims, “Take not the Jews and
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Christians as friends....Slay the idolaters [non-Muslims]
wherever ye find them.... Fight against
believe not in Allah...” (Surah 5:51; 9:5,29,41, etc.). This
is official Islam: it cannot change without admitting
that Muhammad was a false prophet and murderer.
The Defining Truth
Terrorists are not “fanatics,” but devout fundamentalist
Muslims who are earnestly following their religion. This
candid recognition should bring fresh sympathy for all
Muslims who are tragically trapped in that system.
A Crucial Caveat
We all need to understand the origin, nature, and agenda
of Islam. We do not suggest that the rank and file Muslims
are guilty of the extremism characterizing the terrorist
leadership, but we do need to understand what we
are really up against, and not be blinded by politically
correct propaganda. Show me a moderate Muslim, and I
will show you someone who is not following the dictates
of the leadership.
The Five Myths of Islam
1) Islam is a religion of Love: Nowhere is Unconditional
Love commanded (cf. Deut 6:4 and Lev 19:18).
2) Islam is a religion of Peace: It is based on a militant
agenda of conquest.
3) “Allah” = The God of the Old Testament: They are
4) The Qu’ran is a “holy book.”
5) They accept Jesus as a “prophet.” We are dealing with
a theological conflict, not traditional geopolitical or
economic goals.
Islamic Eschatology
Both Sunni and Shiite (the two houses of Islam) allude
to the return of Jesus and the Mahdi and the killing
of al-Dajjal (the Antichrist). Shiite traditions emphasize
the role of the Mahdi as the actual descendant of
Muhammad, the 12th Imam, who did not actually die
in 873 a.d., but was “occulted” and will appear at the
end time…
Islamic End-Game
One can thus shudder at the serious conviction
of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that he is destined—
and committed—to cause the appearance of the
12th Imam by ushering in the “Last Days”…
Islam is not just a religion: It is a complete, total
system of life. Islam has religious, legal, political, economic,
social, and military components.
Islamization begins when there are sufficient Muslims
in a country to agitate for their religious privileges.
When politically correct, tolerant, and culturally diverse
societies agree to Muslim demands for their
religious privileges, some of the other components tend
to creep in as well.
As long as the Muslim population remains around or
under 2% in any given country, they will, for the most
part, be regarded as a peace-loving minority, and not
as a threat to other citizens. This is the case in:
United States Muslim 0.6%
Australia Muslim 1.5%
Canada Muslim 1.9%
China Muslim 1.8%
Italy Muslim 1.5%
Norway Muslim 1.8%
At 2% to 5%, they begin to proselytize from other ethnic
minorities and disaffected groups, often with major
recruiting from the jails and among street gangs. This
is happening in:
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Denmark Muslim 2%
United Kingdom Muslim 2.7%
Germany Muslim 3.7%
Spain Muslim 4%
Thailand Muslim 4.6%
From 5% on, they exercise an inordinate influence in
proportion to their percentage of the population. For
example, they will push for the introduction of halal
(clean by Islamic standards) food, thereby securing
food preparation jobs for Muslims. This is occurring in:
Switzerland Muslim 4.3%
Philippines Muslim 5%
Sweden Muslim 5%
The Netherlands Muslim 5.5%
Trinidad & Tobago Muslim 5.8%
France Muslim 8%
When Muslims approach 10% of the population, they
tend to increase lawlessness as a means of complaint
about their conditions. In Paris, we have already seen
car burnings.
Any non-Muslim action offends Islam, and results in
uprisings and threats, such as in Amsterdam, with opposition
to Mohammed cartoons and films about Islam.
Such tensions are seen daily, particularly in Muslim
sections, in:
Guyana Muslim 10%
Kenya Muslim 10%
India Muslim 13.4%
Russia Muslim 15%
Israel Muslim 16%
After reaching 20%, nations can expect hair-trigger
rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings, and
the burnings of Christian churches and Jewish synagogues,
such as in:
Macedonia Muslim 30%
Ethiopia Muslim 32.8%
At 40%, nations experience widespread massacres,
chronic terror attacks, and ongoing militia warfare,
such as in:
Bosnia Muslim 40%
Chad Muslim 53.1%
Lebanon Muslim 59.7%
From 60%, nations experience unfettered persecution
of non-believers of all other religions (including
non-conforming Muslims), sporadic ethnic cleansing
(genocide), use of Shariah Law as a weapon, and Jizya,
the tax placed on infidels, such as in:
Malaysia Muslim 60.4%
Albania Muslim 70%
Sudan Muslim 70%
Qatar Muslim 77.5%
After 80%, expect daily intimidation and violent jihad,
some state-run ethnic cleansing, and even some genocide,
as these nations drive out the infidels, and move
toward 100% Muslim, such as has been experienced
and, in some ways, is on-going in:
Bangladesh Muslim 83%
Egypt Muslim 90%
Gaza Muslim 98.7%
Indonesia Muslim 86.1%
Iran Muslim 98%
Iraq Muslim 97%
Jordan Muslim 92%
It is also important to understand that in some countries
(with under 100% Muslim populations such as
France), the minority Muslim populations live in ghettos,
within which they are 100% Muslim, and within
which they live by Shariah Law.
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The national police do not even enter these ghettos.
There are no national courts, nor schools, nor non-
Muslim religious facilities. Therefore, in some areas
of certain nations, Muslim Imams and extremists
exercise more power than the national average would
indicate. [Adapted from Dr. Peter Hammond’s book:
Slavery, Terrorism and Islam: The Historical Roots and
Contemporary Threat, Christian Liberty Books, 2005.]
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich
and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in
their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that
no man might buy or sell, save he that had the
mark, or the name of the beast, or the number
of his name.
Revelation 13:16,17
Whose Number?
Insertable chips, RFID, bar codes, etc. for implementation?
Remember: it is His number and name that are
the critical identity issues.
Woe to the idol shepherd that leaveth the flock!
the sword shall be upon his arm, and upon his
right eye: his arm shall be clean dried up, and
his right eye shall be utterly darkened.
Zechariah 11:17
Islamic Shahadatan: a declaration of allegiance to Allah
and Muhammad worn by millions on the forehead
or right arm. Greek dexios: right arm or right side;
Charagma: badge of servitude. The number of his
name, or multitude?
• sofi,a sophia, wisdom, broad and full of intelligence;
used of the knowledge of very diverse matters
• yhfi,zw psephizo, to count, reckon, decide by voting
• avriqmo,j arithmos, a definite number; an indefinite
number, a multitude.
• a;nqrwpoj anthropos, a human being; a man.
• e`xako,sioi e`xh,konta e[xÅ six hundred sixty six.
Manuscript Evidence
The newest volume of Oxythynchus
Papyri (P.Oxy LVI
4499) contains a fragmentary
papyrus of Revelation
which is the earliest known
witness to some sections
(late 3rd, early 4th century).
Chi, iota, stigma (hexakosiai
deka hex) is in the third line.
Codex Vaticanus seems to reveal
some subtle suggestions:
John “wrote what he saw.” If
this is Arabic, it flows from
right to left. (Many centuries before Mohammad.) If
you lay the ξ on its belly you get the word Allah. Bis’m
Allah: “In the Name of Allah” is written at an upward
angle; two swords are a traditional symbol of Islam.
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding
decide [who] the multitude of the beast [is]: for it
is the multitude of a man [that is, Muhammad];
and his multitude are “In the name of Allah.”
Revelation 13:18
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Yemen Crisis
There is now another Middle East crisis flaring up…
Yet, here is an excellent example of the necessity of a
valid (larger) perspective…bear with me…After the
leading revolutions in Egypt and Tunisia, the Muslim
Brotherhood is extending its reach into Yemen. In
March, Yemeni soldiers fought against rebel forces
to drive them out of the southern part of the country.
What made this clash different is that Gen. Ali Mohsen
al-Ahmar, the half-brother of the President Ali Abdullah
Saleh and the commander of the Yemani forces,
turned against the government and joined the protesters.
In the meantime, more than one thousand people
have been killed or injured by regime’s security forces.
Many in the Yemeni capital of Sanaa want President
Saleh to be tried for crimes committed against the
people. Earlier this month the Yemeni President went
to Saudi Arabia, supposedly for emergency medical
treatment following an assassination attack, and most
analysts agree that he will not return to his country.
His departure did not end the struggle, it only marked
a breather in the continued battle, and signaled further
complications in the revolution.
The Saudi royal family is attempting to force Yemeni
President Ali Abdullah Saleh’s family from power now
that events seem to be moving against him; his son and
nephews appear willing to fight on his behalf. Alarmed
by the overthrow of its allies in Egypt and Tunisia, the
Saudi regime knows that the developments in Yemen
will affect Riyadh much more because of the geographical
proximity and socio-cultural relations.
Now, Saudi Arabia is pushing for a plan by the Persian
Gulf Cooperation Council regarding a transition of
power in Yemen. Riyadh is attempting to manage this
crisis and force a regime change with attacks against
President Saleh’s closest relatives. At the same time,
Gen. Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar is positioning himself to fill
a power vacuum in Sanaa, the capital. There are many
distinct groups all vying for control of the country:
People who want a democratic country; others who
want a Islamic Republic; still others who have aligned
themselves with tribal warlords, elements of Al Qaeda
in the Arabian Peninsula, and elements of the Muslim
Brotherhood…all in the same country.
The army is starting to fragment because some believe
that the President is joining forces with Al Qaeda.
Some have left to join Al Qaeda and others are continuing
to fight them. It is well known that President Saleh
has been flirting with Al Qaeda to gain political and
financial leverage with the United States and Saudi
Arabia. While playing radicals against the U.S. and
Saudi Arabia, President Saleh has been accused by
the United States of pocketing substantial amounts of
foreign aid coming into the country.
Yemen is of particular interest to the United States
and Saudi Arabia and may join Iraq, Afghanistan, and
Libya as the 4th Middle East war for the United States.
This is because Yemen has been home to Al Qaeda
in the Arabian Peninsula since 2009, when pieces of
Al-Qaeda in Saudi Arabia settled in Yemen and began
a reign of terror by killing scores of diplomats and
domestic officials. With President Saleh in Riyadh,
Vice-President Abed Rabbo Mansour al-Hadi was
named interim president and has brought renewed
hopes to Al Qaeda and the other rebel forces. Yemen
meets the definition of a failed state and may signal
yet another victory for Muslim radicals in the region.
Yet, there may be a far more threatening perspective to
those who understand the real undercurrents…
1400-Year War
“The most dominant threat on the near horizon.”
Yet, nobody in the Pentagon will talk openly about it.
Nobody in the White House knows what to do. As many
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as eight key Islamic countries are presently heading
toward a bloody “new” war—with each other—that’s
been fourteen centuries in the making! A fatal dinner
that echoes still…
This all began at a lamb dinner, served up one evening
in the year 629 a.d. Nobody could have known that the
dinner they were about to eat would one day change all
history. Some say it was goat. Others say it was lamb.
Either way, it was poisoned. And the guest of honor
was Mohammed, the controversial founder of Islam.
It was just one bite, that’s all it took. He tasted the
poison and immediately spit it out. But it was too late.
He would soon die, sparking a bitter and deadly division
within all of Islam.
The Sunni/Shiite Split
Ali is the central figure at the origin of the Shia / Sunni
split, which occurred in the decades immediately following
the death of the Prophet in 632.
• Sunnis regard Ali as the fourth and last of the
“rightly guided caliphs” (successors to Mohammed as
leader of the Muslims) following on from Abu Bakr
632-634, Umar 634-644 and Uthman 644-656.
• Shias feel that Ali should have been the first caliph
and that the caliphate should pass down only to direct
descendants of Mohammed via Ali and Fatima, They
often refer to themselves as ahl al bayt or “people of the
house” [of the prophet].
On the one side, you’ve got the Sunni Muslims. They’re
the ones that run Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, and
many of the other countries in the Middle East. On the
other, you’ve got the Shia Muslims. It’s the Shia that
run Iran. And now also run Iraq, as well as Yemen,
Lebanon and Syria. This Sunni-Shia split has built up
pressure now for over 1,350 years.
To understand the undercurrents within the House of
Islam one needs to understand that these two Houses
hate each other (almost) as much as they hate the Jews.
But it’s only now that this pressure has found its ultimate
release—with Iran driving a new Shia uprising
right in the middle of the most dangerous place on
Earth—the oil-soaked Middle East.
The 200 Million Man March
Nobody knows exactly how many Shia there are right
now in the Middle East. That’s because in all but
four Middle Eastern countries, Sunni leaders don’t
bother to count. Sunni schools teach that Shiites aren’t
real Muslims. Shias don’t get a seat in government.
They can’t become judges or even testify in high courts.
In Sunni-run Saudi Arabia, Shias and Sunni can’t even
marry. For over 13 centuries, the Shia have been the
For over 200 million Shia, spread from Pakistan to
Lebanon, and Azerbaijan to Yemen, there is a hidden
river of revenge running through the entire Middle
East. This is another reason Iran wants “the Bomb!”
Iran was Persia
Persia was once the biggest and most powerful empire
in history! Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Egypt, Afghanistan and
Pakistan—even Israel—the Persians once controlled
them all, including most of the oil-rich coast of the
For 300 years, Persian armies held off the Roman Empire.
Their scholars walked with Aristotle and Plato.
They influenced Greek art. It was the Persians who invented
chess. And the windmill. Not to mention algebra,
trigonometry, and, apparently, even wine. The bottom
line is... No Empire forgets its past glory. The Iranians
resent losing theirs. But now they see a chance to get
it back.
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For eight years back in the 1980s, Saudi Arabia helped
Iraq wage a bloody war against Iran. Along with other
Sunni governments, the Saudis even gave Saddam
Hussein over $47 billion to launch missiles and nerve
gas attacks over the Iranian border. Iran hasn’t forgotten,
or forgiven.
Iran’s Shia influence has spilled across the border into
southern Iraq. Southern Iraq is where you’ll find six
of Iraq’s eight “Supergiant” oil fields. It’s also a key
border with Shia Islam’s mortal enemy Saudi Arabia;
which is Sunni.
With total control of the Hormuz “oil chokepoint” in the
Persian Gulf and new power in “liberated” Iraq, the
Iranians have a brand new foothold for kicking off the
long-awaited “Shia Revolution.”
Iran has almost total control over the Strait of Hormuz.
Hormuz is the tight waterway that connects the
Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean. Over 17 million
barrels of oil have to pass through Hormuz every day.
That’s 40% of all the oil shipped in the world. and 90%
of all the daily oil shipments from the entire Middle
East. With Hormuz alone, Iran could cripple the world
Today, Iran backs Shia militants in Iraq. They give
them money and guns…Why? Because gaining control
in Iraq takes the Iranians one step closer in their ambitions
for revenge. For the next one of those steps, just
look further south... to Yemen.
The Pentagon has just tripled its budget on Yemen.
Even ABC News called Yemen the next “top target” in
the terror war and a “near-perfect haven for terrorists.”
Obama just sent Yemen U.S. troops, ships, and
weapons. Yemen might be a failed country... with a
collapsing government, a shrinking oil supply, an exploding
population and not much of anything else but
lawlessness and chaos. But what Yemen does have is
position. It sits just on the tip of the Arab peninsula...
south of another key Saudi border and on the coast
of another key oil strait called Bab-el-Mandeb. That
name means the “Gate of Tears.”
And like Hormuz, most oil states on the Red Sea can’t
get a drop of oil out without shipping it through the
Bab-el-Mandeb. Over 3.3 million barrels go through
it every day.
Iran’s Proxies
For the last six years, Yemen has fought a vicious and
bloody war with Shia rebels.... no doubt with Iranian
support. Tehran now “donates” $1 billion every year to
Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon. They gave billions to
Syria’s Shia president to build cement factories, car
factories, power plants, and storage silos. In return,
Iran gets Hezbollah’s Arabic-speaking terrorists to run
militant Shia training camps in Iraq. And it gets Syria
to distribute Iran’s money and weapons to others in the
Shia network.
The secret money Iran sends to Shia rebels in Yemen
could soon have a payoff too — by opening up another
route for “backdoor” Shia access into Saudi Arabia.
Yemen’s rebels have already hit towns across the Saudi
border. And the Saudis have hit back, losing dozens of
troops in the process. We’re just in the first innings of
this one. But even a nuclear bomb is just a beginning.
Even if the go ahead to build a nuke never comes
from Iran’s top cleric, the more immediate danger is a
wildfire of Shia-Sunni unrest... starting in Iran’s new
hotbeds of Shia support... and spreading across the rest
of the Sunni-run oil states... with the richest oil fields in
the world’s richest oil nation as the final battleground:
Saudi Arabia!
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As we talk, big and small Gulf states are piling up
weapons, stocking anti-missile batteries, and sandbagging
their oil terminals, ports, and water desalinization
plants...Abu Dhabi alone has already bought $17
billion worth of U.S. anti-missile hardware, and the
United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia just splurged
on weapons, to the tune of $25 billion.
As we talk, U.S. F-16 fighter jets, Patriot missile systems,
giant cruisers and several thousand more U.S.
troops are quietly digging in for an epic fight... that
could spread past Iraq and Yemen... and even into Qatar,
the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain.
Leaders in all three of America’s biggest Middle East
allied countries—Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia—all
claim that the epic Sunni-Shia showdown is in the
cards. But no matter how it starts, Saudi Arabia will be
a key focus: Not only is Saudi Arabia home to Mecca,
Islam’s holiest place... but it’s also home to the corrupt
and U.S.-allied Royal House of Saud, considered an
insult to all Islam.
Iran is getting ready to assert its place in the world.
(Think Japan or Germany in the 1930s.) The threat is
there, it’s large, and it’s not going away…We need to be
aware of the significant changes that are occurring on
our horizon; myopia can be painfully deceitful.
Strategic Trends 2011: Volume 1
Session 2: America’s Challenge
& Natural Disasters
A Lesson in Quantities
• How much is a million seconds? 12 days
• How much is a billion seconds? 32 years!
• How much is a trillion seconds? 32,000 years!
How Much is “a Trillion”?
If you had gone into business on the day Jesus was
born, and your business lost a million dollars each day,
365 days a year, it would take you until October 2737
to lose $1 trillion.
The Most Significant Day
This year promises to be the most challenging opportunity
of our lifetimes. Non-linearities are compounding
on our personal and national horizons that will test our
preparations and our commitment to our callings…
The prevailing “Normalcy Bias”—the conviction that
“it can’t happen here…”—results in the fact that most
Americans are oblivious to a forthcoming day which
may be the most significant day of 2011…
Enigmatic Horizon
Gold, the anti-dollar, has been telling us for 10 straight
years that the crisis is coming. Gold was around $252
an ounce in the summer of 1999. It’s now around
$1,600. Gold is up six-fold against the U.S. dollar.
That’s not a great statement of confidence in the world’s
reserve currency. Let’s review some basic background…
The Industrialization of America
It was America that was at the forefront of the industrial
revolution. It was America that showed the world
how to mass produce everything from automobiles to
televisions to airplanes. It was the great American
manufacturing base that crushed Germany and Japan
in World War II.
The Deindustrialization of America
The United States has lost approximately 42,400 factories
since 2001. About 75% of those factories employed
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over 500 people when they were still in operation.
Unemployment in America is now over 20%, despite
the “official” 10% after statistical chicanery of the government
figures. One in five is out of work! (The “real
world” estimate is closer to 22%, according to Shadow
Government Statistics.)
Have you wondered why unemployment in America refuses
to go away or get better in spite of all the government/
Fed/Wall Street propaganda and disinformation
about a “recovery in progress” with trillions of dollars
in bailout/stimulus funds?
This Is Why There Are No Jobs in America
Aside from the charts and figures, Porter Stansbury
dramatized this well:
Here’s the deal. You’re going to start a business or
expand the one you’ve got now. It doesn’t really matter
what you do or what you’re going to do. I’ll partner
with you no matter what business you’re in—as long as
it’s legal. But I can’t give you any capital—you have to
come up with that on your own.
I won’t give you any labor—that’s definitely up to you.
What I will do, however, is demand you follow all sorts
of rules about what products and services you can offer,
how much (and how often) you pay your employees, and
where and when you’re allowed to operate your business.
That’s my role in the affair: to tell you what to do.
Now in return for my rules, I’m going to take roughly
half of whatever you make in the business, each year.
Half seems fair, doesn’t it? I think so. Of course, that’s
half of your profits. You’re also going to have to pay me
about 12% of whatever you decide to pay your employees
because you’ve got to cover my expenses for promulgating
all of the rules about who you can employ, when,
where, and how. Come on, you’re my partner. It’s only
Now... after you’ve put your hard-earned savings at risk
to start this business and after you’ve worked hard at
it for a few decades (paying me my 50% or a bit more
along the way each year), you might decide you’d like
to cash out—to finally live the good life. Whether or not
this is “fair”—some people never can afford to retire—is
a different argument. As your partner, I’m happy for
you to sell whenever you’d like... because our agreement
says, if you sell, you have to pay me an additional 20%
of whatever the capitalized value of the business is at
that time.
I know... I know... you put up all the original capital.
You took all the risks. You put in all of the labor. That’s
all true. But I’ve done my part, too. I’ve collected 50%
of the profits each year. And I’ve always come up with
more rules for you to follow each year. Therefore, I deserve
another, final 20% slice of the business...
I’m sure you’ll think my offer is reasonable and happily
partner with me... but it doesn’t really matter how you
feel about it because if you ever try to stiff me—or cheat
me on any of my fees or rules—I’ll break down your
door in the middle of the night, threaten you and your
family with heavy, automatic weapons, and throw you
in jail. That’s how civil society is supposed to work,
right? This is Amerika, isn’t it?
That’s the offer Amerika gives its entrepreneurs. And the
idiots in Washington wonder why there are no new jobs...
(Attributed to Donald Trump):
Let me get this straight: We’re going to be “gifted” with a
health care plan we are forced to purchase and fined if
we don’t, which purportedly covers at least ten million
more people, without adding a single new doctor,
but provides for 16,000 new IRS agents, written by
a committee whose chairman says he doesn’t underPage
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stand it, passed by a Congress that didn’t read it, but
exempted themselves from it, and signed by a President
who smokes… with funding administered by a treasury
chief who didn’t pay his taxes, for which we’ll be taxed
for four years before any benefits take effect, by a government
which has already bankrupted Social Security
and Medicare, all to be overseen by a surgeon general
who is obese, and financed by a country that’s broke!
Is there something wrong with this picture?
But let’s leave the politics, and look at the hard facts:
The U.S. is not immune from the results of its current
fiscal policies. The worst day for Americans will be the
day the dollar is vetoed as the world’s reserve currency.
When the Federal Reserve can no longer simply print
more money to bail out private institutions and pay its
debts, the cost of everything, especially oil, will go up.
Although large in its own right, TARP is only a part
of the combined efforts of the Federal Government to
address the financial crisis. Approximately 50 initiatives
or programs have been created by various Federal
agencies since 2007 to provide potential support totaling
more than $23.7 trillion (and the American people
were led to believe no one saw this coming…).
An overview of the Government’s new potential support
relating to the financial crisis is listed by Federal
agency. Total Potential Related to the Crisis = $23.7
trillion! To obtain a debt of $27.3 Trillion it would
require losing, from the day that Christ was born, over
$32 million per day!
Current U.S. Debt
At the end of the Q1, the U.S. had:
$ 6.8 trillion in Treasury debt,
$ 8.2 trillion in government agency debt,
$ 2.7 trillion in municipal debt,
$11.6 trillion of corporate debt,
$14.6 trillion in mortgage debt,
$ 2.5 trillion in consumer debt, plus
$ 6.5 trillion in other debts.
$52.9 trillion TOTAL (…largest in history)
Source: Flow of Funds
Accounts of the United States
U.S. Future Obligations
Moreover, the U.S. government has future obligations
to Social Security, Medicare, and pensions that exceed
$60 trillion...while U.S. banks now hold derivatives
obligations exceeding $202 trillion, according to Office
of the Controller of Currency.
Government debt is not $13.5 trillion, but 14
times higher at $200 trillion (840% of GDP).
Let’s get real, the U.S. is bankrupt.
Prof. Laurence Kotlikoff,
Boston University economist (quoted by the IMF
monthly journal, Finance and Development)
Debt Crisis
We are in a debt crisis that is now impacting nearly
half of all U.S. states and thousands of our counties,
cities and towns:
• Police, fire and other emergency services are being cut.
• Health care services are being limited or eliminated
• Schools and universities are losing funding and being
forced to raise tuition costs.
• Maintenance of roads, bridges and even electrical
grids is being curtailed.
• Thousands of state, county and city jobs are being cut.
And to add insult to injury, state and local taxes are being
raised. All because state and local governments can’t
pay their bills! Prominent Wall Street analysts are now
warning that up to 100 major U.S. cities and states will
go bust in this year.
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“Quantitative Easing”?
Fed Chairman Bernanke’s new money printing makes
all those prior money printing episodes look like tiny
hiccups by comparison. The horrific truth is that
the United States Federal Reserve is now engaged in
the greatest money-printing scheme since the Weimar
Republic in Germany.
Constitutional Crises
• War Powers Act: Libya war not authorized;
impeachable offense?
• The Birth Certificate? “Long Form” finally
released: apparently a faked document.
• Secrecy surrounding entire prior history:
According to a new scientific poll (June 16-19), half
of all Americans want to see Congress investigate
Barack Obama’s eligibility for the presidency.
SSN 042-68-4425
Jean Paul Ludwig, born in France in 1890, emigrated
to the United States in 1924, and was assigned, in or
about March, 1977, SSN 042-68-4425. Ludwig lived
most of his adult life in Connecticut. His SSN begins
with the digits 042, which are among those reserved for
Connecticut residents. (Obama never lived or worked
in that state, so there is no reason for his SSN to start
with the digits 042). Ludwig spent the final months of
his life in Hawaii, where he died.
Obama’s grandmother, Madelyn Payne Dunham,
worked part-time in the Probate Office in the Honolulu
Hawaii Courthouse, and therefore had access to the
SSNs of deceased individuals. The Social Security Administration
was never informed of Ludwig’s death, and
because he never received Social Security benefits there
were no benefits to stop and no questions were raised.
The suspicion is that Dunham, knowing her grandson
was not a U.S. citizen—either because he was born
in Kenya or became a citizen of Indonesia upon his
adoption by Lolo Soetoro—merely scoured the probate
records until she found someone who died who was not
receiving Social Security benefits, and “selected” that
SSN for Obama. The use of a false SSN is a felony.
Selective Service registration number 61-1125539 was
issued to Barack Obama using SSN 042-68-4425 Sept
4 1980. Also a felony: $250,000 and 5 years in prison.
Mayan Calendar?
According to the fabled Mayan Calendar, the world
will come to an end on December 21, 2012. There appears
to be a 45-day error in the Mayan Calendar…
the world appears to be scheduled to come to an end on
the 2nd Tuesday in November, 2012 (The Federal Elections
in the United States). Just a joke...and yet...
Our Present Predicament
America is in a moral free fall. We are victims of spiritual
warfare: we have a media masking truth. We have
courts perverting justice. We have schools deliberately
“dumbing down” our youth. We have replaced our traditional
heritage with “multiculturalism,” revisionism,
Page 24 Page 25
and values relativism. Thus, traditional patriotism has
now been relegated as a form of obsolete idol worship.
[Source: David Breese’s Seven Men Who Rule the World
From Their Graves.]
Have you ever wondered why governments always
seem to tend toward corruption? Why are we surprised:
Governments have always loved crises: they provide
the rationale for:
a) Increasing budgets and bureaucracies, and
b) Subjugating the liberties of the population.
Most new dictators create external crises to consolidate
their internal powers. In America, we long ago learned
that social crises serve just as well as military ones.
Here is one insight that supplies a key missing link:
Immorality results in social crises.
The Wraths of God
Appositional Wrath (Against Sin)
Catastrophical Wrath (Flood of Noah)
Eschatological Wrath (Rev 6 – 19)
Abandonment Wrath
Samson (Judges 16:20)
Northern Kingdom (Hosea 4-14)
Southern Kingdom (Habakkuk 1, 2)
Natural Disasters: Birthpangs or False Labor?
The largest earthquake on record was the 9.5 Chilean
earthquake of May 22, 1960. The third largest earthquake
ever recorded on a seismograph took place at
Sumatra, Indonesia, on December 20, 2004, with a
magnitude of 9.1, which lasted some 8-10 minutes and
killed over 230,000 people in 14 countries.
The earthquake off the coast of Japan on March 10,
2011, with a magnitude of 9.0, resulted in 28,000
killed. The vast majority of deaths attributed to the
Japan earthquake were not caused by the quake itself,
but by the ensuing tsunami that resulted from the offshore
epicenter some 100 miles east of northern Japan
at a depth of 32 kilometers (19 miles).
Adding to the tragedy, of course, was the tsunami’s
destruction of the three Fukushima Daiichi nuclear
power plants on a scale equal to that of Chernobyl that
melted down in 1986. The area of the meltdown may
be uninhabitable for hundreds of years.
The largest death toll resulted from the earthquake at
Tangshan, China, 7.8 magnitude of July 28, 1976. The
official death toll of 255,000 is believed to be far short
of the estimated 830,000 dead. The disparity in count is
due to China’s secretive approach at news control. Yet
even the most conservative “official” count far outstrips
those of most recorded earthquakes.
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) lists earthquakes
with 50,000 or more deaths as far back as a.d. 856. We
have included them in the following list along with a
number of other significant earthquakes that resulted
in fewer deaths primarily because of their remote
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Significant Earthquakes
2 in the 9th century
1 in the 12th century
2 in the 13th century
1 in the 16th century
3 in the 17th century
3 in the 18th century
1 in the 19th century
14 in the 20th century
9 in the (first 11 years of) the 21st century.
The recording of earthquakes goes back only as far
as the second century when Chinese scientist Chang
Heng invented the first known seismograph. The first
mentioned is that in 1 Kings 19:11-12 in which we are
told YHWH was not in the earthquake, but in the still,
small voice.
Amos 1:1 mentions “the earthquake,” the details of
which are unknown; it occurred two years after Amos
received a prophecy regarding Israel and concerning
Uzziah, king of Judah, and Jeroboam, king of Israel.
Zechariah referred back to that same earthquake in
Zech 14:5. Only three other earthquakes are recorded
in Scripture:
1) Upon the death of Jesus, whereby the graves of
the saints were opened allowing for those saints to be
resurrected after He was (Mt 27:54);
2) When the angel of the Lord descended from Heaven
to roll back the stone from the Lord’s tomb (Mt 28:2);
3) In Philippi, which caused the foundations of the
prison to be shaken in which Paul and Silas were being
held (Acts 16:26).
The only other mentions of earthquakes are to be found
in the Book of Revelation’s prophecies of the days just
prior to the Lord’s return (Rev 6:12; 8:5; 11:13-19;
The outbreak of tornadoes that ravaged the U.S. South
in April 2011 was the largest in recorded history. The
National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA) estimates that 362 twisters touched down
with a record 312 within the 24-hour period, April
27-28. This was more than twice the previous 24-hour
record of 148.
It was also the single deadliest day for tornadoes since
1925 with more than 300 dead from Alabama to Kentucky.
Residents were given a scant 24 minutes warning,
but the twisters were too wide and too powerful to
allow for escape. Is there a pattern here?
Following Barack Obama’s pledge to return Israel to
pre-1967 borders, we saw the U.S. hit with a series of
deadly superstorms: Just days after Obama insisted
Israel must give up the lands it won through military
victory with its enemies, some 200 people were killed
by a tornado in Joplin, Mo.
We saw it in Katrina, when George Bush forced Israel’s
withdrawal from Gaza. In fact, as everyone from Israeli
rabbis to U.S. senators have noted, it seems to happen
every single time that the U.S. pressures Israel to
divide the land.
This phenomenon has been documented by Bill Koenig,
author of “Eye to Eye: Facing the Consequences
of Dividing Israel.” Bill points out that nine of the
10 costliest insurance events in U.S. history followed
dramatic calls by U.S. officials for Israel to make land
concessions in bids for peace with its neighbors. He
points out in detail how six of the seven costliest hurricanes
in U.S. history followed such events. He points
out how three of the four largest tornado outbreaks in
U.S. history followed such developments.
Earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, even terrorist attacks
have hit America often within 24 hours of calls by
Page 28 Page 29
U.S. officials for Israel to withdraw from Jewish land.
It seems to go right back to Genesis and God’s pledge
to bless those who bless the children of Israel and curse
those who curse them (Gen 12:3).
That is a prophecy that has seen every empire of the
world come and go—yet Israel remains. It may be
chastened by God. It may be dispersed. But God has
punished every nation that has come against Israel.
E ach one has been judged.
Conclusions: Koenig: Eye to Eye: correlation with
policy? Impressive, but not conclusive…? Katrina and
Gaza: most disturbing. This “Koenig hypothesis” is going
to be tested by the current fundamental change in
U.S. policy!
(I don’t worry about Israel: I do worry about America!)
Does God Use Weather?
• Noah’s Flood (the first rain! Gen 6-8).
• He allowed Paul to be driven by a great storm to be
shipwrecked at Malta (Acts 27).
• God used hailstones to kill most of the Ammorites
when Joshua fought them (Josh 10).
• God used hailstones against Egypt (Ex 9).
• In the Tribulation, the Two Witnesses have the power
to shut up the sky (Rev 11:6).
• And later, 100 pound hailstones devastate the earth
(Rev 16:21).
Does God Use Famine?
• He used famine to get a family of 70 to Egypt, and
subsequently, to come out a nation (Ex 19:6).
• He used a famine to get Naomi to Moab, and, thus,
a Gentile bride for Boaz (Ruth 1).
• It will also be a major sign: the Black Horseman (Rev
• He used famine to warn (1 Kgs 17:1); to correct (2
Sam 21:1); and, to punish (Jer 14:12, 15).
Does Satan Use the Weather?
When Jesus dealt with stormy weather on the Sea of
Galilee, He used the word “rebuke.”
.... [Jesus] rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea,
“Peace, be still.” And the wind ceased, and there was
a great calm.
Mark 4:39
The Greek word for rebuke, “epitimao,” used in the
above verse is the same Greek word used when He rebuked
demons while He was on the earth—confirming
that the bad weather was not originally from God, but
He was in control. Thus, Satan requires permission…
But he that touches the apple of God’s eye will pay a
For thus saith the LORD of hosts; After the glory
hath he sent me unto the nations which spoiled
you: for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple
of his eye.
Zechariah 2:8
And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars:
see that ye be not troubled: for all these things
must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For
nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom
against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and
pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
All these are the beginning of [birthpangs].
Matthew 24:6-8
Braxton Hicks Contractions? A Braxton Hicks contraction
is defined by Taber’s Medical dictionary as
an intermittent (painless?) contraction that may occur
every 10 to 20 minutes after the first trimester
of pregnancy. These contractions were first described
in 1872 by British gynecologist John Braxton Hicks.
Page 30 Page 31
“...but the end is not yet.” Read The Olivet Discourse
(Matthew 24; Mark 13), in opposition to the “Temple
Discourse” (in Luke 21).
T he “Beginning of Sorrows”
Mt Lk Rev
False Christs 24:4-5 21:4 6:1-2
Wars 24:6 21:9,10 6:3-4
Famines 24:7a 21:11 6:5-6
Pestilences 24:7b-8 21:12 6:7-8
Earthquakes 24:9 21:24 6:12
It’s Time to Review our True Citizenship...
For he looked for a city which hath foundations,
whose builder and maker is God.
Hebrews 11:10
Your Challenge
We are being plunged into a period of time about which
the Bible says more than it does about any other period
of time in history . . .
Two Basic Challenges
Find out what the Bible says
• Not to be delegated to others (Mt 5:17)
• Our unique environment of Today
Advanced Information Appliances
Internet Resources
Role of small groups
• Find out what is really going on
“What is truth?”
The Age of Deceit…
Koinonia Institute
“For such a time as this…” Are you saved? Well,
then, have you discovered your calling? Are you in a
fellowship committed to help preparing you for that
calling? What have you invested in that preparation?
Your Time? Your Priorities? The Koinonia Institute is
a volunteer “think tank” for Christians in a worldwide
lifetime fellowship that is non-denominational but very
It is a supplement, not a replacement, for your local
church. A transnational fellowship committed to support
your personal calling—whatever it turns out to
be…“on your own clock” and schedule…
How Can You Get Involved?
• Undertake a life-long learning program
• Volunteer to serve as a:
Area Representative
Teaching Assistant
Research Assistant or IDB Folio Specialist
• Sponsor special programs to support:
Student prizes and incentives
Practicums and Internships
Establish or facilitate Leadership Training
Endowments for course development, etc.
Your Action Plan?
What is God calling YOU to do? “Raise the bar” on your
personal walk with Him. Commit to a systematic program
to really learn your Bible. Join (or start) a weekly
Small Study Group. Respond to His calling…NOW!
Monitor The Strategic Trends
Perspective is our most valuable asset! We need to
understand the trends underway to make intelligent
* * *
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