(2012-01-06) 本地99年地契公寓似乎已經搶去永久地契公寓的風頭。 戴德梁行(DTZ)根據所追蹤的一籃子完工私宅項目進行的研究發現,去年非有地私宅領域中表現最佳的是99年地契公寓,平均轉售價格一年內攀升了8.2%。 這股漲勢主要集中在首三個季度,因為去年末季的增長幾乎持平,和前個季度相比隻微升了0.8%。 昨天新出爐的報告也指出,表現最差的是第9、10和11郵區的豪華共管公寓,2011年的平均轉售價隻微升1%。豪華共管公寓指的是在9、10和11郵區、麵積2000平方英尺或以上的大私宅,其價格在去年第三季度持平,第四季度更下滑了0.7%。 戴德梁行報告說,這主要是去年全球經濟環境不明朗,買家變得更有選擇性。 戴德梁行東南亞研究部主管蔡楚芬說,豪華私宅領域的購買需求,有相當一部分來自外國買家,而這些買家目前必須繳付10%的額外買方印花稅,這將造成豪華私宅價格在今年比其他領域出現更顯著的下滑。此外,黃金地段永久地契私宅價格,也受到市場更謹慎買氣的影響。去年全年,位於第9、10和11郵區的永久地契私宅,平均轉售價從前年的8.3%下跌至4.6%。尤其是第四季,漲幅與第三季持平。 有地私宅的價格漲幅則是2011年最亮麗的。其中位於第9、10和11郵區的永久地契有地私宅,年比價格跳增12.8%,而郊外99年地契有地私宅的轉售價也增長12.4%。 不過價格漲幅在第四季也出現緩和。黃金地段永久地契有地私宅去年末季微升0.8%,郊外99年地契有地私宅的轉售價則上漲1.2%。第三季度的有關數據分別是2.8%和3.8%。 全年大眾化私宅租金上漲近9% 郊外共管公寓租金在2011年上揚最顯著,達到8.9%。但豪華公寓的租金去年幾乎持平,全年隻有揚升1.3%。 戴德梁行的報告指出,郊外共管公寓租金需求更強勁,是因為更多沒有外籍人士薪金配套的專業人士來我國工作。 其中大部分租金漲幅都來自首三個季度,租金在第四季度放緩,郊外共管公寓的漲幅為1.5%,而同個時期,豪華公寓和黃金地區其他兩至四臥房式的私宅租金則不起反跌,末季分別下滑2.6%和1.6%。報告指出,這是因為黃金地段的私宅供應有所增加,去年首三季有3330個黃金地段的私宅竣工,高於前年全年的2810個,造成業主之間對租戶的競爭。此外,末季也是租金市場傳統上的淡季。 不過展望未來,該報告認為政府上個月加抽外國買家10%的額外買方印花稅,將促使今年的租金市場更加活躍,因為這些買家可能就把眼光轉向私宅租金市場,而非進場購買私宅。 |
Private home prices and rents in Singapore went up in 2011 from the previous year, despite the cooling measures that include imposing seller’s stamp duty and reduction in loan-to-value limit, said property consulting firm DTZ.
However, the growth is expected to have tapered off last month and is likely to continue falling this year, it said.
“Historically, significant price falls have been triggered by external events that affect the economy rather than cooling measures. The projected economic slowdown in 2012 will thus have a more significant impact on buyer sentiment and consequently on demand and prices,” said Ms Chua Chor Hoon, DTZ’s head of Asia Pacific Research.
In a report released yesterday, DTZ said the resale prices of leasehold condominiums in suburban areas rose 8.2 per cent from a year ago.
This makes it the fastest-growing segment among non-landed housing, according to a basket of completed condominiums tracked by DTZ.
Fourth-quarter flash estimates released also showed Housing and Development Board resale prices went up last year by 10.7 per cent, but prices of luxury condominiums only saw 1.0 per cent on-year growth in 2011.
DTZ said the global economic uncertainties dampened demand for luxury condominiums, dragging prices down by 0.7 per cent in the fourth quarter.
Home prices in the prime freehold segment also took a hit, growing only 4.6 per cent on-year compared to 8.3 per cent in 2010.
This is in contrast to resale prices of freehold landed homes, which rose 12.8 per cent on-year in the prime districts. Leasehold landed homes in suburban areas also rose 12.4 per cent last year.
Rents, meanwhile, were also higher last year, led by condominium rents which inched up 8.9 per cent.
This was due to demand from foreign professionals with higher housing allowances.
But rents for luxury condominiums only grew 1.3 per cent on-year.
From January to November last year, private home sales of 15,393 units already outpaced the 15,288 units sold in the same period in 2010.
Overall, DTZ expects take-up rate for the year at 16,000 units or slightly lower than the 16,292 units sold in 2010.
Source : Today – 6 Jan 2012