

包括執行公寓共賣出2064單位 本地私宅銷售9月最紅火

(2011-10-17 12:19:31) 下一個


● 李敏雯 報道



  市區重建局昨天公布的數據顯示,不包括執行共管公寓(Executive Condominiums,簡稱EC)在內,發展商9月總共賣出1631個私宅,超過八成是大眾私宅。這是今年來第二強勁的月份,僅次於4月賣出1805個私宅的紀錄。


  新數據顯示,9月最旺熱的領域依然是代表大眾私宅的中央區以外(Outside Central Region,簡稱OCR)私宅,總共售出1321個私宅。推出市場的則有1504個。

   代表中檔私宅的其他中央區(Rest of Central Region,簡稱 RCR)銷售也回暖,比前個月上揚54%,發展商賣出260個私宅。核心中央區(Core Central Region,簡稱CCR),即高檔住宅區的表現則依然疲弱,隻售出50個私宅。


  高力國際研究與谘詢部主管謝岫君也指出,9月份賣得最佳的項目,是森聯集團在榜鵝地鐵站的新項目A Treasure Trove,占9月份中央區以外新私宅總體成交量的52%。

  該項目目前已推出790個私宅,售出683個,中位數尺價為每平方英尺915元。位於盛港的The Luxurie,在9月也再賣70個私宅。





  他說,海峽實業財團推出的Arc at Tampines,總共賣出233個單位,中位數尺價是734元。樂水居(RiverParc Residence)再售90個單位,中位數尺價685元。

  城市發展的Blossom Residences也以706元的價位,再賣出52個單位。






HDB upgraders set pace in private property market

The private residential market saw a rebound in September.

Figures released by the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) on Monday showed 2,064 units, including executive condominiums (ECs), were transacted.

This is the highest number of monthly transactions this year and a significant 26 per cent increase from August’s 1,638 units.

Treasure Trove, a development in Punggol, accounted for about 40 per cent of the transactions with more than 680 units sold.

PropNex Realty said the homebuyers are mainly HDB upgraders, attracted to the pricing and the proximity of the development to the Punggol MRT.

It said the revision of income ceiling had prompted many to purchase ECs.

Excluding ECs, the number of units sold in the mass market with units costing $1,200 psf or less, accounted for more than three quarters of the transactions.

Jones Lang LaSalle said the surprise upside in September monthly sales only confirms the view of an underlying market need for homes.

Dr Chua Yang Liang, head of Research, Southeast Asia, said the market remains price sensitive with projects in the suburban areas seeing more take-up compared to projects in the city and its fringes.

PropNex said it expects October’s sales to hold steady, with over 1,400 units sold. This is due to the fact that developers will be launching more projects in the coming months.

It added that it expects both home buyers and investors to take a more cautious approach on prices.

Source : Channel NewsAsia – 17 Oct 2011

New home sales soar, despite global uncertainty

New home sales in Singapore surged last month despite global macroeconomic uncertainties and stock market volatility, driven by strong demand in mass market condominiums from HDB upgraders.

Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) data released yesterday showed developers sold 1,631 private homes last month, up 20.7 per cent from the 1,351 units in August. A total of 1,321 units were sold in the outlying areas, 260 in the city fringes and only 50 in the prime districts.

Including Executive Condominiums (ECs), September sales hit 2,064 units. This is the highest monthly volume this year and a strong 26 per cent jump from August’s 1,638 units, according to PropNex Realty.

Mr Mohamed Ismail, its chief executive, said: “September’s results were remarkable and largely contributed by the sale of A Treasure Trove closing 683 units, making up 42 per cent of the total transactions. These homebuyers are mainly HDB upgraders and the purchase rationale was the attractive pricing, with median price of S$915psf in this development, and its proximity to the Punggol MRT.”

Ms Chia Siew Chuin, director of research and advisory at Colliers International, said: “Encouraged by the strong unrelenting underlying demand for mass-market homes, developers rode on the buying momentum and upped their launches of such housing projects in the Outside Core Region (OCR) in September, ahead of any dampening of home buyers’ sentiment.”

The number of private homes, excluding ECs, launched last month rose 39.1 per cent from the previous month to 1,919 units – and 1,504 of these, or 78.4 per cent, were in the OCR.

A total of 433 EC units were sold last month, up from 290 in August. Mr Li Hiaw Ho, executive director at CBRE Research, said it was likely that the latest Government move to raise the household income ceiling for EC buyers from S$10,000 to S$12,000 per month had given a boost to sales.

For the rest of the year, Mr Li said that developers would be monitoring the impact of the euro zone crisis on the Singapore economy to time their project launches.

“Looking at launch-ready projects in Q4 and with prices remaining stable, it is unlikely that we will see the same level of take-up as in Q2 and Q3. We expect the total new home sales volume in 2011 to exceed the 14,688 units sold in 2009, but it remains to be seen whether it can outdo the record 16,292 units sold in 2010,” he added.

Source : Today – 18 Oct 2011

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