Defying market expectations, sales of new private homes surged 29 per cent last month from March to 1,788 units, driven by robust demand in the mass market sector from HDB upgraders, data released yesterday by the Urban Redevelopment Authority showed
That’s the highest number of transactions since last November, as buyers returned in force after a temporary lull in February following the introduction of the fourth round of property market cooling measures in January that included stamp duties as high as 16 per cent.
PropNex’s communications head Adam Tan said: “It is clear that homeowners and investors alike have assimilated the last cooling measures announced on Jan 13. This has resulted in continuing buyer confidence that has seen steadily increasing sales since February.”
Analysts say the fear of runaway home prices may have further fuelled sentiment last month, adding to the snowballing effect as buyers bought their way through more property launches.
Ms Chia Siew Chuin, director of research and advisory at property consultancy Colliers International, said, “There are also buyers who probably entered the market because they could be fearing that they may miss the boat and therefore would commit to the market before prices run away again.”
For April, suburban areas led private home sales again, with 1,010 units sold last month, while city fringe areas achieved sales of 477 units, and central region homes saw the least sales with 301 units.
And amid the persistently high liquidity environment, analysts remain upbeat, noting that most buyers are choosing smaller and cheaper units in suburban areas.
PropNex’s Mr Tan noted that “56.2 per cent of all the units sold were in the mass market, or under S$1,200 per square foot. The strong showing in the mass market indicates the sustained interest in private property by HDB upgraders.”
Two mass market projects accounted for 564 units or roughly one-third of April’s transactions, PropNex noted, with 340 units in Eight Courtyards in Yishun (picture) sold at a median price of $789psf, while 224 units Hedges Park in Upper Changi were sold at a median price of $889psf.
Mr Ku Swee Yong, chief executive officer at International Property Advisor, said: “Next two months, depending on how many new projects are in the pipeline, if there are 1,500 units launched, we could see a take up of maybe about 1,300 to 1,500 units again.”
Including Executive Condominiums, new home sales totalled 1,901 last month, up from 1,543 units in March.
Developers also rolled out more properties last month, after fears of a nuclear crisis caused by the March 11 earthquake in Japan eased. A total of 2,046 units were launched, a 64 per cent rise from March.
With the property market remaining hot, some analysts expect it won’t be long before the Government takes action again.
Colliers’ Ms Chia said: “Further measures are likely to be imposed going forward should the numbers continue to show that it is going to be so robust.”
Other analysts say the Government will more likely introduce further measures to help first-time HDB flat buyers instead of targeting speculation in the private property market.
Source : Today – 17 May 2011
創5個月來新高 4月份私宅銷量增29%
繼3月份新私宅銷售量出現反彈後,4月份的銷售量進一步上升,漲幅達29%,銷售量創五個月來的新高,超過一半是大眾私宅。 市區重建局昨天發表的數據顯示,今年4月,房地產發展商總共賣出了1788個新私宅單位,比3月份的1386個單位,多出402個單位(漲29%)。 而3月份的私宅銷售量是在連續下跌了四個月後,首次出現回彈。 今年4月,若包括執行共管公寓(簡稱EC)在內,發展商總共賣出1901個單位,比3月份賣出的1543個單位,多了23%。 博納集團公關經理陳家揚說:“顯然的,不管是買家還是投資者,看來已‘消化’了1月13日宣布的最新降溫措施的影響,促使買氣繼續上漲。” 齊樂行研究與谘詢部門主管王德輝指出,在4月份,不管是新推出或是售出的單位,都是自去年11月以來最高的。 他認為,銷售量在3月回彈,4月份回暖,顯示更多買家回流,這或許是“曆史重演”? 去年8月,當政府推出降溫措施後,9、10月的銷售量開始下跌,但11月就出現買家信心回流,市場急劇回彈——發展商該月推出了2331個新單位,銷售量也高達1915個新單位。 但分析師也紛紛指出,4月份銷售報捷,主要可歸功於4月推出的兩個大型的大眾私宅項目——由星獅發展和遠東機構聯手發展、位於義順的Eight Courtyards(共654個單位)和豐隆集團位於巴西立/弗洛拉通道的Hedges Park(共501個單位)。 在Eight Courtyards已推出的500個單位中,340個已找到買家,是該月份的銷售冠軍,中位數尺價是789元。Hedges Park所有501個單位已登場,224個找到了買家,中位數尺價是889元。因此,兩個項目一共賣出的564個單位,就已占新私宅銷售總數的32%。 超過一半是大眾私宅 但高力國際研究與谘詢部主管謝岫君也說:“買氣除了受新登場項目的影響外,也可能是買家爭相進場,擔心價格進一步上漲,趕不上這班車,尤其是對能力可及、地點好的項目,他們擔心‘過了這個村,可能就沒這家店’了。” 然而,第一太平戴維斯研究與谘詢高級經理孫燕清也指出,除了Centra Heights、Eight Courtyards和The Boutiq之外,其他新項目所售出的新單位,都不及所推出單位總數的60%。 在4月交易最活躍的,依舊是代表大眾私宅領域的中央區以外(OCR),發展商一共賣出1010個新單位(占總數的57%),推出的單位也有1263個(占總數的62%)。 代表中檔領域的其他中央區(RCR)推出和賣出了399和477個單位,是唯一推出和售出單位都比上個月少的地區。 代表高檔領域的核心中央區(CCR)四月份推出和賣出了387和301個單位。分析師相信,高檔豪宅市場有回暖的跡象,卓錦豪庭的其中一個單位,以每平方英尺4799元成交,是4月最高的成交價。 世邦魏理仕執行董事李曉和指出,連同今年第一季售出的3595個新單位,截止4月,售出的新單位總數已達5383個,占去年創記錄銷售量的約三分之一。 此外,幾個以袖珍型單位為主的項目,例如:Centra Heights賣出所有90個單位,中位尺價是1624元、Skysuites @ Anson也賣出了50個單位,中位尺價是2198元、The Boutiq賣出50個單位,中位尺價是2324元。 發展商在4月份一共推出了2049個新單位,比3月份的1246個新單位,明顯增加了803個單位,漲幅超過64%。4月雖然沒有新的EC項目登場,但買家也買入了113個較早前已推出的EC單位。 * 《聯合早報》 發展商趁熱打鐵 趁買氣旺推出新項目 龔慧婷(2011-05-17)