

永泰控股主席鄭維強: 大眾化私宅市場或隻有 六至九個月銷售“窗口”

(2010-08-23 20:59:38) 下一個


● 吳慧敏


吳慧敏 報道

  永泰控股(Wing Tai Holdings)主席鄭維強認為,大眾化私宅市場或許隻有六至九個月的銷售“窗口”。

  這家房地產公司自2007年買下Ascentia Sky地皮後,近年都沒有再添購地皮,不過鄭維強卻在昨天的業績發布會上,對購地持謹慎的態度,因為他相信,購地的風險已經隨著地價和樓價的攀升,以及供地量的增加,而明顯提高。




  目前,永泰控股手頭上的未售單位,大多都是高檔豪華私宅項目。它計劃在近期內推出的新項目,主要是與城市發展合作的Anderson 18。與此同時,它也會繼續銷售已推出的Belle Vue和Helios項目剩餘40%和50%單位。



  集團營收也上升64%至8億2185萬元,這主要歸功於Belle Vue和The Riverine by the Park的期款。至於營運盈利則跳漲620%至2億5440萬元,這主要是因為它前年出現了1億零970萬元的重估後虧損,去年卻在重估資產後,納入510萬元盈利。






  在上星期的首都戲院(Capitol Theatre)地段招標活動中,永泰控股提呈了兩份投標書,似乎對該地段誌在必得。

Wing Tai reports seven-fold rise in net profit to S$160.8m

The hot housing market has boosted the annual earnings of property developer Wing Tai Holdings.

Its net profit for the financial year ended June, soared seven-fold to S$160.8 million from S$21.0 million in the previous year.

Its fourth quarter net profit came in at S$68.9 million compared to a loss of S$53.8 million a year ago.

Wing Tai’s property sales were the main drivers of its increased annual revenue.

It achieved a 64 percent increase in its revenue to S$821.9 million.

Its revenue a year ago was S$501.8 million.

Wing Tai’s revenue for the fourth quarter, ended June, rose 17 percent to S$222.3 million from S$190.1 million in the same period a year ago.

The property developer said the revenue increase was due to the sales of Belle Vue Residences and the progressive sale from The Riverine by the Park.

At its results briefing, Wing Tai also said it expects a price correction of the upgraders market in the next six to 12 months.

It added that the government will likely continue to release more land supply.

But Wing Tai noted that this is not sustainable as it’ll eventually result in an oversupply in the market.

It has seen a spillover price effect of the upgraders market to the mid-tier properties but warned that the upgraders market will likely come to a saturation point soon.

So Wing Tai said it will continue to keep its focus on the mid- to high-end market for the long term.

Tan Hwee Bin, Executive Director, Wing Tai Holdings, said: “We’re looking at the possibility of launching Belle Vue and Helios and possibly some projects at Admore area as well.

Prices have already spilled over the mid-tier and now it’s moving on to the high end.

We feel that this is probably the opportune time to launch some of these projects.

If you look at our portfolio at this point in time, we have about 900,000 sellable area, GFA and about half are in the high-end market and about half are in the mid-tier market and that has consistently been our focus.”

Singapore contributes about 70 percent of Wing Tai’s assets while the rest are in Hong Kong, Malaysia and China.

Mr Tan said: “Going forward, taking a medium to long term view, we think that Singapore will be about 60 percent of our portfolio and the other countries will count for about 40 percent of our portfolio.”

The Group is also keeping its eye on its two bids put in for the stretch of commercial sites along Stamford Road, which includes the Capitol Theatre.

The site has attracted a total of 14 bids.

Wing Tai said it’s expected to make its concept and design presentation for the area at the end of next month.

Wing Tai is recommending a three cents per share for the first and final dividend.

It is also recommending a special dividend of two cents per share for this year.

Source : Channel NewsAsia – 23 Aug 2010

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