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Fuel And Money Saving Tips (top 10)


1.Avoid High Speeds 避免高速行使 

As your speed increases, your aerodynamic drag increases in an exponential fashion. Driving 62 mph (100 km/h) vs 75 mph (120 km/h) will reduce fuel consumption by about 15%.


2.Do Not Accelerate or Brake Hard 避免猛加速或猛刹車 

By anticipating the traffic and applying slow steady acceleration and braking, fuel economy may increase by as much as 20%.


3.Keep Tires Properly Inflated 保持輪胎氣壓適當 

Keep tire air pressure at the level recommended by your vehicle manufacturer. A single tire under inflated by 2 PSI, increases fuel consumption by 1%.


4.Use A/C Sparingly 少用空調 

When the air conditioner is on it puts extra load on the engine forcing more fuel to be used (by about 20%). The defrost position on most vehicles also uses the air conditioner.

開著空調會對發動機增加額外負擔從而消耗更多汽油(大概20%)。大多數汽車的除霧檔也會用到空調 【還好,307的空調是單獨開啟的】 

5.Keep Windows Closed 關窗開車 

Windows open, especially at highway speeds, increase drag and result in decreased fuel economy of up to 10%.

開著窗,尤其在高速上,會增加阻力,結果就是增加10%的油耗 【誰說開窗跟開空調一樣費油來著?看來還是空調更費油啊】 

6.Service Vehicle Regularly 定期保養 

Proper maintenance avoids poor fuel economy related to dirty air filters, old spark plugs or low fluid levels.


7.Use Cruise Control 多用定速巡航 

Maintaining a constant speed over long distances often saves gas.

在跑長途時維持恒定的車速常常能省油 【趕緊加裝一個吧,307都可以裝的】 

8.Avoid Heavy Loads 避免重載 

Remove the sand bags from your trunk in the spring and pack lightly for long trips.


9.Avoid Long Idles 避免長期靜止怠速(停車不熄火) 

If you anticipate being stopped for more than 1 minute, shut off the car. Restarting the car uses less fuel than letting it idle for this time.


10.Purchase a Fuel Efficient Vehicle 買輛燃油經濟性高的汽車 【僅排第10!】 

When buying a new vehicle examine the vehicle's rated fuel efficiency. Usually choosing a small vehicle with a manual transmission will provide you with great fuel economy.

當你買新車的時候考慮下車子的燃油效率。一般來講小一點的車、手動擋會比較省油 【老朽說,倭車靠的就是輕啊】

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AnitaM 回複 悄悄話 嗬嗬,俺白天是女人, 給人當媽, 當老婆,洗衣做飯, 收拾家,帶孩子。 晚上, 夜深人靜,我就成了男鬼, 在網上溜達溜達。 外表是女人, 內心是男鬼, 連老公都說:我怎麽覺得像跟個男的生活在一起似的。 想當初,俺就以為他是同性戀來著, 正合適!
avanti 回複 悄悄話 鬼佬? think about what your personality is!