(2009-02-06 08:42:23)
從美國回來後, 在美商會的活動還是會極偶爾地碰到冷酷男. 我倆居然象是商量好的, 非常默契地對過往的事情一概不提. 隻是象老朋友那樣打著招呼, 說著一些BUSINESS, 裝腔作勢又好象若無其事. 他有時候也會試探著說"maybe we should have dinner sometimes?”, 我回應著說好呀好呀,可是他不知道是沒有勇氣還是沒有興趣,一直沒有正式邀請過我.
在後來一年多的時間裏,在斷斷續續碰到他的那幾次,每次他給我的名片幾乎都是不一樣的.我知道他後來七七八八嚐試過做好幾個BUSINESS, 也同時在一個律師事務所掛名做consultant, 一直到最後他和朋友一起合夥開了一個好象是HR方麵的顧問公司,總之,是個對他來說全新的領域.我記得他告訴我的時候,說了句, the good news is, 我以後主要做市場,這樣我將來可以幫你引薦更多的潛在客戶.我當時聽了這話,覺得非常的CONFUSE. 一直到現在我都不明白為什麽冷酷男那麽關心和渴望幫助我的business. 因為他驕傲的態度讓我絕對不想再庸人自饒自做多情.他對我真的是個迷,而我後來實在是沒有時間精力興趣再和他玩猜迷了.
差不多每隔兩三個月, 冷酷男都會給我發個EMAIL, 連基本的問候語都沒有, 就一句話 “某某某是我在工作中遇到的,他的聯係方式blahblah, 你和他聯係一下也許你們將來可以合作"對他這樣的email, 我每次都很禮貌很及時地回複感謝.直到最後一次.
那天也是因為一點事情心情比較低落, 在一個深秋有點寒意的晚上, 看到冷酷男這樣的email, 突然覺得無比煩躁, 那一瞬間連簡短地敷衍一下的心情都沒有.
那天晚上一開始, 我就感覺到冷酷男拒人於千裏之外的冰冷和漠然…. 其實那天活動去的人不算多, 我又穿的比較醒目, 正常的情況下, 他應該在我進門的時候就看到我了. 可是他連看都不看我一眼, 並一直都在IGNORE 我的EYE CONTACT, 讓我甚至沒有一個主動去和他打招呼的台階… 甚至我站在吧台旁邊的時候, 他在我麵前走過, 近在伸手的距離, 他都還是沒有看我一眼…我一開始以為他又在一如既往扮酷裝B, 甚至抱有一點好笑地想看看他的表演怎樣落幕的心情…然而在人漸散去的時候, 在呆了兩個多小時以後, 在我心不在焉地和人聊完天之後的刻意地逡巡下, 驀然地發現, 他已經不知道在什麽時候悄悄地走了…他就這樣, 就這樣, 自始至終完全當我是空氣, 居然連一聲招呼都不打, 就這樣地離開了.
那天晚上在開車回家的路上, 一場暴雨剛剛結束. 10 點多的延安路高架竟然堵到無法移動…雨後的城市如洗淨風塵般清撤而柔媚, 在夜色裏顯的分外的魊魅而淒美. 我望著高架路兩邊燈火輝惶的夜景, 遠遠近近的霓虹燈流離閃爍…我看到第一次見到冷酷男時他指給我的可以幫他找到家的那棟樓, 淚居然不知不覺地悄悄滑落下來, 盡管我甚至不知道是應該覺得慶幸還是悲哀… 其實那時候我已經徹底從對冷酷男的感情裏走出來了, 然後這樣一個不堪的結局卻是我始料不及的. 我到現在都不明白冷酷男當初對我到底是怎樣的一份感情, 也永遠無從發現他這樣的反應僅僅是因為我沒有回他一封最最普通的EMAIL? 在和他兜兜轉轉的這兩年, 我始終還是沒有能夠明白他. 然而, 我知道, 我的人生裏, 他的這一頁到此是徹底的翻過去了.
文學城順流逆流版權所有,未經本人同意, 請勿轉載, 謝謝
Sorry I don't want to be mean but can't help pointing out the truth.It's better to face the failure in our life, including everybody of us.
There are many types of good boys, but many good boy will stay away from you if he find you are not interested in him.
Because he want to find someone like himself also, just like you want to find someone like you. So if you really like that cool guy, why don’t you express to him, it is not a question of who will win or lose face, the one who express his feeling is the brave one, he or she deserve respect. I am sure you can let that cool guy come back if you apologize to him and tell her all your feelings toward him. But I don’t think he is a good one for you.
I just feel the cool guy is not a serious person. He is not serious about relationship. But I also feel you are also not serious, you don’t consider Chinese, because you think they think too much about the long term relation, which mean they are responsible and reliable. Generally most western people are more interested in short term relation, they always looking for fun and excitement. Not the peaceful love like water. I am not saying who is better than others, it depends your preference, but since you choose to date western boyfriend, you should realize this, not too serious. Don’t be jealous and angry if he has other friends. I just feel you want to make friends with western guy, but you also want to use Chinese guy’s standards to measure them, it is not realistic.
Also, I just feel you are wasting your time and energy, if you have a family, you will never have this kind of trouble about your feeling. You will focus on how to take care your family, how to make money. No need to experience this painful experience.
agree 你發掘了這樣的一個人物,創造性地演了這麽一場drama
People are so different, I may do the same thing, but I will never see it as a mentionalbe experience or drama.
Quite funny, seeing other people making out that 12 paragraphs. I admit, I was reading the whole of them as ironies although the author doesnt mean it.
Lost in Shanghai, 好名字!
逸青, this time you are wrong, they are the same cars in the same running field, for that sake they are both tired of the relationship.
Agree 真無聊,這種感情遊戲。
Contentswise are these articles quite boring,
literarily No.7/8 are the best, from 9 on is only redundant, too much subjective analyse and naive summary a "然而, 我知道, 我的人生裏, 他的這一頁到此是徹底的翻過去了" As I read this, I cannot help smiling, it sounds like those essays from primary school kids:-)
Concerning the contents of all paragraphs, the title
我的海歸和歸海的經曆 is quite irrelevant and misleading, maybe "lost in Shanghai"?