
Discuss my professional goals (XT)

(2012-11-20 08:17:55) 下一個

Discussmy professional goals (by XT)

Myfamily came from China. As new immigrants, my parents were busy withtheir work and life. I spent most of my time playing computer gamesbecause elementary school was easy and homework only took me a fewminutes to accomplish.

Soonerafter, I feel it was no longer fun to me to took too much effort toplay through each game stage, so I decided to take some “shortcuts”.Instead of leveling up, I spent most of my time learning how to hackthe game, circumvent rules, and modify programming coed. I alwaysbeat my friends at online games because of my computer talent ingaining unfair advantages.

AsI grew older, computer games no longer challenge me but a computer isstill one of my best friends. I bought parts to build up my own“tower” and reconfigure my own keyboard to make sure no body canbreak into my computer. While I learned how to protector my computerI gained abilities to access other people's computer easily. Forinstance, I helped a friend's grandma to retrieve her computerpassword whose passed away husband locked it; Monitor my Mom'ssurfing on internet during the evening and scared her; Fixed aclient's computer virus problem who was miles away,my skills amazedher she paid me double etc.

Throughthese experiences, I realized the vital importance of cyber securityin the 21st century world due to more people use onlinebanking and shopping. I could easily take my computer to Starbucks ,target people on their laptop across the room, and obtain theirpersonal information via a Man-in-the-middle attack. If even ateenager like me could do it, how much more could a professionaltrained attacker do?

So,with my talent, interest and integrity, I decided to pursue a careerin computer technology deeper. I wish I could make a greatcontribution in computer network, Information system andcybersecurity to our society in future.

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