
Niska-games Night

(2012-11-20 08:12:11) 下一個

WeeklyEntry #9                                                   11/12/12

Niska-games Night (Revised)

Yesterday was quite arowdy night for me. Sleeping very late 'till 9 A.M today I couldhardly get up. The reason: last night was Niska-games. Niska-games isa time where all of the middle schoolers of Niskayuna get toparticipate in a giant, life-sized, monopoly game. The students arethe pieces that move around and the people who roll the dice. Thereare about 10 or so teams all of different colors. High schoolers fromNiskayuna get to be judges, and coaches, while their are bankers thathand out monopoly money so teams can buy properties. The monopoly isbased on the town of Niskayuna itself. I believe that we have boughtthree properties during our monopoly game, they were Nott Rd,Niskayuna Square, and another Rd. The whole point of the game is toearn as much money as possible. At the end of the game, whicheverteam earned the most wins a prize, which is just a bag of candy.Winning or losing, it doesn't really matter, it's just a time to havefun. The game is just like every other monopoly game with a fewtwists. Everybody starts on go, dice are rolled... with real people,skits are added before a roll for extra money, and with the money,teams can buy properties. The game itself isn't the part I wasinterested in.

The part that was trulyfun for me was just talking to friends, running around, having a goodtime. One would think that school is already a time for socializing,but that's not very true. In fact, I now have less time to socializesince I've joined middle school. Most of the time is spent on classesand during those classes, we're not allowed to talk with friends. Soduring Niskagames, I was able to talk to and play with whoever Iwanted whenever I wanted. We did everything. I was on themaroon/burgundy team 8, and one of the girls brought eyeliner not asmakeup, but as face-paint. Everyone had a fun time joking withmustaches, beards, smiling faces, and blotches of black on our faces.

Ihad a time of the week! This is only the second school relatedgathering I've had and enjoyed them both, especially because of thesocializing. By the time it's eighth grade for me, I can't wait tosee the other sixth graders and once again hangout with my friends.

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