
Farmer's Museum

(2012-10-30 09:59:54) 下一個



Thisis about my trip to the Farmer's museum

Ihad a guide whom seemed to have worked there for a couple yearsbecause he didn’t stutter and was explaining all the artifactsquite fluently.  One thing particularly that caught my interestwas the wheels. My tour guide explained that the one who founded thistown –Mr. Cooper– was a wheel maker. Mr. Cooper made wheels thathad to be extremely sturdy and could last through long trails and goover rocks, or taking beatings of the weather. The reason why thesewheels were so, was because the part of the wheel that rolled alongthe road was layered with metal (probably iron). The tour guideexplained that since metal is such a hard and dense substance, usingbrute force seems ideal, but actually heating the metal up did thetrick. This is where the blacksmith came into play. The blacksmithtook the metal, reformed it into the exact diameter of the wheelalong with other proportions, and then heated it up. Since heatcauses metal to expand, then cool what do the opposite. So when therim is in place, the metal cools and BAM! there’s a wheel. That’swhat struck me fancy

Ithought the way the museum put up a “time portal” was quiteinteresting. It allowed kids (like me) to use the imagination whilelearning about history. I had fun walking back and forth throughtime, from the 1700’s, to modern times, to the 1700’s, and back,back and fro. I swear that if it really was a time machine, then Imust have broken it. Everybody in my group adored the animals, exceptmaybe the pigs rolling around in their “mud” It was a shame thatI completely forgot my camera and was missing out on so much of thepotential pictures I could have taken. The -I guess- worst part ofthe trip was the carousel. Everybody else who went on it wanted to goagain except for me. It was my first time ever going on a carousel inmy life, so when I got off, I wasn’t used to all the spinningaround. As a result, I was a little dizzy throughout the next 10minutes or so. I was glad that I was in the group that was in theFarmer’s Museum over the group that went to the art museum. Fromthe statements my fellow peers made about it, I don’t really wantto go. I had great fun there. It'd be nice if I could go again.

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