
Bus Rage

(2012-09-24 11:23:40) 下一個



Nowthat school has started once again, I have lost much feeling to it. Idon't feel overjoyed to go to school nor do I feel distraught aboutit. The only thing that triggered my emotions about school was thefact that I missed the bus. For most kids, missing the bus would be agreat thing. It would mean they get to stay in and sleep a littlelonger because of their saving grace, the “Parent Bus”. Thisthing I call the Parent Bus is just my parent's car. If I were inelementary school, I wouldn't have minded missing the bus, but nowthat I'm in middle school, it's much different. I didn't want to belate because It was the beginning of a new school year and I'd liketo keep a clean record, also, everybody's feeding their new lockersall the binders and books and locker decorations and writing utensilsetc. into the locker. I was just like everybody else except I wasstriving to be neater. Since I couldn't get much time during themorning to clean out my locker, I wanted to get to school as early aspossible to gain more time. So it was important that I get to schoolearly.

ThatTuesday morning, I wasn't worried too much about my bus because Iknew it had a record for being late, but would I didn't know was thatmy bus driver had a goal to change that by getting right on time, ifnot, earlier. So during that morning, I dawdled about reading quitean interesting book when I should have been playing violin and thennot eating breakfast in time because my mom found out I skippedviolin which led to playing violin until 8:20. 8:25 is when the busis supposed to come so I wolfed down my breakfast, organized mybackpack, jammed my feet into my shoes, grabbed my soccer bag, andtook off. I waited at the bus stop for about 15 minutes which waseerie until my mom saw me and realized I missed the bus which then Ihad too take the Parent Bus. It was horrible because throughout theride my mom scolded at me. A word to the wise; When in a tiger mom'scar, Don't get on her bad side. That little “speech” in the carmade me thank God that I finally got to school but I was already lateand my mood was ruined. Lesson: Missing the bus isn't as fun as itseems.

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