
List of Teen Writing Contests

(2012-09-21 23:53:54) 下一個
List of Teen Writing Contests

New Youth Connections - A different writing prompt for each contest. You must be age 14-19 to enter. Preference will be given to New York City area residents. At the editors' discretion, entries from outside the New York City area will be considered. $150 maximum prize.

Teen Ink - Offers a variety of contests for writers, artists, and more.

The Scholastic Art and Writing Awards - Offers early recognition of creative teenagers and scholarship opportunities for graduating high-school seniors. The Awards program is national in scope and administered by the Alliance for Young Artists & Writers, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide guidance and support for the next generation of artists and writers, in partnership with 77 regional affiliate organizations.

Ray Bradbury Creative Writing Contest - Yearly contest for high school students. Genre changes every year.

MISFITS Writing Contest - Held by The Minnesota Society for Interest in Science Fiction and Fantasy. For science fiction, fantasy, horror, supernatural, or alternate history fiction, either fiction or poetry.

The Writing Conference, Inc. - Yearly writing contests for elementary, junior high/middle and high school students. Topic changes yearly. Students may create a poem, a narrative, or an essay. Each of the winners in each school level will receive a plaque commemorating the award. In addition, these winners will have their writing published in The Writers' Slate. They will be guests at the evening Celebration of Writing Reception.

The Claremont Review - Contest in poetry and fiction for teens 13-19. $500 maximum prize, along with publication on abebooks.com. $18 entry fee that includes a subscription to the magazine.

Commonwealth Essay Competition - For writers 18 and younger. Every year, the Commonwealth Essay Competition inspires thousands of young writers from all over the world. Organised by the Royal Commonwealth Society, the Competition has been running for over 100 years and is firmly established as a highly regarded and popular international education project. With young people writing from all Commonwealth countries and territories, the Competition enjoys much esteem and support throughout the Commonwealth.
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