

ZT: 2010 諾 貝 爾 和 平 獎 上 的幾個樂曲和歌

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2010 諾 貝 爾 和 平 獎 上 的幾個樂曲和歌

來源: 7.510-12-10 20:24:59 [檔案] [博客] [舊帖] [轉至博客] [給我悄悄話]

Solveig's song 《蘇爾維格之歌》《索爾維格之歌》
Jasmine Flowers (茉莉花)
Colorful Clouds Chasing the Moon (彩雲追月)
Salut D'amour (Liebesgruss, Love's Greeting,愛人的問候)

Solveig's song 《蘇爾維格之歌》《索爾維格之歌》


The winter may pass and the spring disappear, the spring disappear;
The summer too will vanish and then the year, and then the year.
But this I know for certain: you'll come back again, you'll come back again.
And even as I promised you'll find me waiting then, you'll find me waiting then.

Oh-oh-oh ....

God help you when wand'ring your way all alone, your way all alone.
God grant to you his strength as you'll kneel at his throne, as you'll kneel at his throne.
If you are in heaven now waiting for me, in heaven for me.
And we shall meet again love and never parted be, and never parted be!

Oh-oh-oh ....




Music: Edvard Grieg (1843-1907)
Lyrics: Henrik Ibsen (1828-1906)
The song originates from "Peer Gynt", suite no. 2. (op. 23 no. 19)

Solveig's Song is sung by Solveig in the fourth act of Edvard Grieg's original Peer Gynt Op. 23, and for Suite No. 2, Op. 55, which was written as incidental music for inclusion in Henrik Ibsen's play Peer Gynt.

這支曲子本為歌劇《皮爾金特》(Peer Gynt)創作的組曲之一,由易卜生填詞。中文譯名各有不同, 或譯作‘思君令人老’, ‘我知道你會回來’, 也有直譯:蘇爾維格之歌。

插曲描寫了深愛著皮爾金特的少女Solveig在情人逃離故鄉、四處流浪的時候對他的深情懷念。Solveig堅守著自己對皮爾金特的純真愛情,默默地等候他歸來。插曲出現的場景是劇中男主角皮爾金特在夢中看到Solveig一邊紡紗,一邊唱著這首Solveig's Song,內心極為觸動,並最終被歌聲打動,回到了對他一往情深、那像泉水般清澈和純潔的Solveig身邊。

本歌有不同的演唱版本。其中由女高音Lucia Popp(1939-1993)演唱為最佳,曲調婉轉、憂傷,帶有哀愁,但是卻表現出一種出奇的平靜和安寧,屬繞梁三日而不息的上乘之作。可惜,Lucia這位世界上最著名的女高音和歌劇演員已經駕鶴仙去。我們今天隻能從錄音中欣賞斯人美妙的歌喉。

Musics played by Lynn Chang

American violinist from Newton, Lynn Chang played at the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony on Friday, December 10, 2010.

Listen as the Nobel medal and diploma are presented to an absent Xiaobo and placed on his chair. Chang’s performance follows, at 1:45 in.

Chang tells us why he's chosen the songs in his set-list and whether or not he views the concert as a political affair, a musical event — or both.

* Jasmine Flowers (茉莉花)
* Colorful Clouds Chasing the Moon (彩雲追月)
* Salut D'amour (Liebesgruss, Love's Greeting,愛人的問候)

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As reported in the Boston Globe today, Chang’s decision to play was not easy.

So while Chang, whose father immigrated to America in 1949, was “thrilled and honored” to be invited to the Nobel ceremony, he was also aware that there might be repercussions: The Chinese government could bar him from visiting relatives still living in China, for example. Or it could forbid Chinese music students from studying at the schools with which Chang is affiliated, which include Harvard, MIT, Boston University, and the Boston and New England conservatories.

But when Chang consulted with family members and school officials, he says, the near-unanimous consensus was: “Absolutely, you should do this.”




義大利作曲家普契尼曾將這首歌的曲調放入他生前最後一部歌劇杜蘭朵公主中。普契尼在世時未能完成全劇的創作,在普契尼去世後,弗蘭科·阿爾法諾(Franco Alfano)根據普契尼的草稿將全劇完成。[1]該劇於1926年4月25日在米蘭斯卡拉歌劇院首演。



Salut d'Amour (Liebesgruss, Love's Greeting,愛人的問候)

By Edward William Elgar, 愛德華·威廉·埃爾加

Elgar finished the piece in July 1888, when he was engaged to be married to Caroline Alice Roberts, and he called it "Liebesgruss" ('Love’s Greeting') because of Miss Roberts’ fluency in German. When he returned home to London on 22 September from a holiday at the house of his friend Dr. Charles Buck, in Settle, he presented it to her as an engagement present. Alice, for her part, offered him a poem called "The Wind at Dawn" which she had written years before and which he soon set to music.[1]

The dedication was in French: "à Carice". "Carice" was a combination of his wife's names Caroline Alice, and was the name to be given to their daughter born two years later.

It was not published (by Schott & Co.) until a year later, and the first editions were for violin and piano, piano solo, cello and piano, and for small orchestra. Few copies were sold until Schott’s changed the title to "Salut d’Amour" with Liebesgruss as a sub-title, and the composer’s name as 'Ed. Elgar'. The French title, Elgar realised, would help the work to be sold not only in France but in other European countries: Schott's was a German publisher, with offices in Mainz, London, Paris and Brussels.

愛德華·威廉·埃爾加, 英國作曲家、指揮家。1857年6月2日出生於英國伍斯特附近的布勞德海斯(Broadheath, Worcester)。父親是伍斯特的音樂書商及管風琴師。埃爾加未受過正規音樂教育,但學習過管風琴、小提琴和大管。1879年曾擔任伍斯特合唱隊指揮、伍斯特郡精神病院管樂隊指揮,1882年擔任伍斯特業餘器樂協會指揮。1885年起任伍斯特聖喬治羅馬天主教堂管風琴師。1891年定居莫爾文。1899年,他與卡羅琳·艾麗絲·羅伯茨(Caroline Alice Roberts)結婚,卡羅琳給了他很大的幫助。


By Caroline Alice Roberts

And the wind, the wind went out to meet with the sun

At the dawn when the night was done,

And he racked the clouds in lofty disdain

As they flocked in his airy train.

And the earth was grey, and grey was the sky,

In the hour when the stars must die;

And the moon had fled with her sad, wan light,

For her kingdom was gone with night.

Then the sun upleapt in might and in power,

And the worlds woke to hail the hour,

And the sea stream’d red from the kiss of his brow,

There was glory and light enow.

To his tawny mane and tangle of flush

Leapt the wind with a blast and a rush;

In his strength unseen, in triumph upborne,

Rode he out to meet with the morn!








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