

(2011-04-07 19:45:38) 下一個


01. Truth Of Touch
02. Echo Of A Dream
03. Seasons
04. Voyage
05. Flash Of Color
06. Vertigo
07. Nine
08. Can't Wait
09. Guilty Pleasure
10. O Luce Che Brilla Nell' Oscurità
11. I'm So
12. Long Way Home
13. Yanni & Arturo
14. Mist Of A Kiss
15. Secret>

*************** 第一眼看到專集名字"TRUTH OF TOUCH",腦海中立刻呈現出"爆炸,綁架,恐嚇,失蹤,衝突,災難,分裂..等字眼,不能不懷疑這位藝術家試圖在自己的音樂中揉進一些政治色彩...如聽出來可不要吝嗇指明...:))))

加國音樂整理 04.07.2011

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琴鍵上的舞蹈 回複 悄悄話 Now,I know how to be a real butterfly from ……*_~
琴鍵上的舞蹈 回複 悄悄話 這個Voyage今天聽起來尤其的性感,嗬嗬開心*_&
琴鍵上的舞蹈 回複 悄悄話 在Yanni所有的CD中,我比較鍾愛《Truth of Touch》和 《If I Could Tell You》. 喜歡Echo of a Dream,音效的回聲和連續環繞的處理,由電子鼓營造了浪漫時空迷幻的色彩,第一次聽,我就想稱它作“靈魂的舞動”,給人以無窮的力量和遐想的空間。在他跳躍的音符中能找到一份永恒的平靜可能是很多人的感受。Voyage 弦樂旋律的演奏很具有異國風味,應該還是Greek 的風格。它和中東的音樂還是有些區別的。主曲目《Truth of touch》中主旋律使用的音色上和《With An Orchid》相同,在Yanni 的很多作品中都用了這種Contemporary Instrumental。充滿渴望和期盼的《With An Orchid》是飄逸灑脫的《If I Could Tell You》專輯中最知名的一首,清洌如甘泉,明亮如陽光,純淨如笑容, 時而又會讓心情波瀾起伏。那是一種古典和現代的有機結合,利用電子合成技術將古典音樂以現代人的視覺做重新詮釋。他的音樂告訴每一個人要勇於追求自己的夢想,象他音樂會上說的那樣:夢,最終會成真!
琴鍵上的舞蹈 回複 悄悄話 這麽大個的禮物,我抱回家了,嗬嗬,謝謝呀~~ 回來接著寫:))
加國音樂 回複 悄悄話 回複琴鍵上的舞蹈的評論:

琴鍵上的舞蹈 回複 悄悄話 I have dictated some of his saying about this new album:

The first thing I want to say about is I love this album. This album came out effortlessly. It wanted to come out. I worked very hard on it. Took me about a year to complete. But, it’s fresh. A few my friends come and they go ….I can’t turn it off and just keep playing it over again and again.

It’s time for me to sit down and do some pure Yani music because I have waited for so long. It’s gonna connect with a lot of people that I can feel it.

For , I did love that sound design. There are a lot of fresh sounds. I didn’t want to use the same of stuff. I worked the rhythms in this album. There is a beautiful complexity in these rhythms, a new sound design, rhythmic contents, I think the melodic content is very strong very memorable. Again, I was getting fun of this album.

Once I begin with a piece of music, I don’t let it go. I only let it go till I finish it. Making made me very happy, I look forward to come to the studio everyday, overnight, sometimes no sleep, two hours sleep, come back, no eat. You know, you just worked on it, and it’s just a passion, it’s a passion work because it is love.

is gonna surprise a lot of fans pleasantly, I think. You cannot predict this album. I want to go out now, I am ready, the album is great, lots of people hear it, let’s play it... ...
琴鍵上的舞蹈 回複 悄悄話 網上的有關介紹:

2011年最值得期待的新世紀專輯!著名新世紀音樂家雅尼攜著他全新的錄音室專輯強勢回歸。這也是他自2003年發行“Ethnicity”專輯以來,時隔8年發行錄音室創作專輯。從這張專輯中,你可以找回最初聆聽雅尼那份久違的感動與震撼。(Truth Of Touch 探秘心靈),曲風比以往雅尼的專輯要豐富了許多,加入了許多樂器,聽出雅尼在努力力求拓展創新之路,也說明一些音樂家一直在不斷地做著新的音樂嚐試。希望雅尼的新碟(Truth Of Touch 探秘心靈),為你還原一個最真實的雅尼!

琴鍵上的舞蹈 回複 悄悄話 哈哈,您的動作真快,不得不佩服您的想像力~~ 恩,工作量很大, 要好好研究一下。這張圖片可是很有現場的感覺呦,聽著這個集子,看著圖片,所有現場的情景就曆曆在目:)) It is really really hard to express with words that how much I love every piece of his music....All of them touch my soul badly, especially NOW!!