
[小貼士]用火狐聽歌及網頁貼歌幫助-by yykd

(2010-11-05 20:26:00) 下一個
前段有朋友提出用火狐無法聽到WMA格式音樂,我自己也是火狐使用者,曾就此作過一些google search。近稍稍整理了下,與大家分享。拋磚引玉,有請資深行業人士補充指正。

About wma file

.wma file extension is the file type of "Windows Media Audio File" than compressed with Windows Media compression; proprietary format developed by Microsoft, similar to the .MP3 format. Playing wma with windows media player comes as default on IE, however, firefox's default audio play is quicktime, which is troublesome sometimes.

For the ones who browse the music posts with FireFox on web:

FireFox web browser by default does not have the ability to play embedded Windows Media Player (WMP) audio and video files on a web page directly.

To allow Windows Media files to be streamed within window of Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft releases Windows Media Player Firefox Plugin which will allow content files created for Windows Media Player formats to be able to playback directly in Firefox via streaming without downloading.

Download Windows Media Player Firefox Plugin here, and read the reference below for more detail and instruction.

Using the Windows Media Player plugin with Firefox

For the ones who post the embedded audio file on web:

The tool or example code may make you embed the media files easier.

This page contains some sample code for different file type embedding, choose whichever that is right for you and replace the src value with yours.

If you are lazy to write the embedding code yourself, the web link below could generate it for you by following the instruction on the page. Make sure only copy the section...without the header and footer.

Embedded Media HTML Generator

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