
Next trading day focus(10/6/08)

(2008-10-03 09:11:29) 下一個
Yesterday DOW was down 380, and my portfolio lost 4900 and balance was 54300. What a lesson. I should be more patient. This is not the first time. Today's job loss is awful 159,000, much more than consensus 109,000. However, this triggers hope of Fed rate cut. Bailout plan is on congress now and expected to pass. My portfolio got half of yesterday's loss back and current balance is at 56800. I hope after bailout plan pass, I could cover all the loss and post some gain. It's a good lesson to me. Be patient, don't fear of missing opportunity. Don't make money is much better than lose money.

Today's BDI finally post a morderate gain, up 12 to 3002. All dry stocks are up. But not enough to cover lost. I'll hold this till at least year end and hope to have 20% gain plus dividend. I'll see.

Silver and Gold post big loss yesterday. Gold was down 5% and SLV down more than 10%. I load SLV and DGP. The reason gold is down is that institution rush to get cash by selling gold. Gold and SLV should be up if Fed cut rate.

In the afternoon session, stock reverse the gain and post big lost. IB balance is close to 53000, another 1000+ from yesterday. People worry that bailout plan not enough to boost economy.
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