
Next day trading focus(9/26/08)

(2008-09-25 11:35:35) 下一個
Today IB balance 59300, lost 1300, it's disgusting, since DOW up close to 300.

Today BDI drops another awful 326 or 7.26% to 4163. Even though Dow up over 200 in the morning session, all dry shipping company drop like rock. I clear my position at market open, take 2000 loss. This again is a lesson to show how important stop loss is. I really want to load dry ship stock, may be wait untill tomorrow and set stop.

CF drops 8 or 7% to 107, I bought 100 share at 107.7, set stop at 106.5. Pure speculation again. Just because I bought at 113 couple of days back and sold at 118 and Zacks recommand BUY. Need to do some research today to see what caused such big drop today.

FXI and CAF show big discrepency today. Yesterday shanghai index up 3.6% and shenzhen up 4.3%, but can't explain that today's FXI and CAF change, FXI up 2% and CAF up 4%. Need to do more research.

Gold drop 21.5 or 2.4% to 873.5, SLV up 3% at opening but drop 1.3% at noon. What happened? Need to do research.

Only MGM_WYNN trade proved to be consistant. CF also put good return. But Dry ships are my pain. CAF-FXI also too volatile. I want to dive into dry ship again at the end of today with 2% stop limit.

700b bailout will provail, but SKF doesn't drop much. Seems people are expecting some dark future. FXP also didn't drop too much.

FXI-CAF apparently doesn't work. But HD-LOW and AAPL-RIMM, especially WYNN-MGM  are good candidate. WMT-COST may work too but need more track.

I've got another idea, use simulation account to do sync trading. Then choose those position that lose most and do it in real account, this way, I'll be able to avoid big loss and hopefully make money.
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