2010 (840)
2011 (629)
2012 (247)
2013 (653)
2014 (1463)
2015 (155)
2016 (265)
2017 (251)
"希望本無所謂有, 無所謂無.這正如地上的路,其實地上本沒有路,走的人多了,也便成了路"
society oie=20 > ou 9 in group, accordingly, 社會 huei uei=17 大於 ua4 in 社團 tuan,因社團隻是社會的部分. body > organ, o6y7> o6a1 身體 > 器官.
我們看到 ua in 團 tuan,官 guan-- 價小, 暗示其少, 官 ua4 比民 i9 people 少. See the strokes in 身體 29 > 器官 24. In many cases, the 4 tones correspond to letters combination, order and characters. Wish someone could help to make a vivid video to spread this breakthrough discovery. Be noted that there is a little more than those numbers assigned, for not being stressed. •
學霸,這樣推導不靠譜吧,中文換一個同義詞不就全亂了, 還有方言呢 :) - 淘金客
ascend 上升 vs. transcend 超越, ae6 < aoue15
經濟要節約,仔細勿大約,增加感應性, 解決即接近.
協商需要化妝品, 假裝最怕是卸妝. secret of 4 tones
simple 簡單 jd5 evolve 演變 yb9 complex 複雜 fz14
雞蛋 演變 芙蓉雞蛋