2010 (840)
2011 (629)
2012 (247)
2013 (653)
2014 (1463)
2015 (155)
2016 (265)
2017 (251)
朱永新 民進中央副主席、全國政協副秘書長 "《翻轉課堂的可漢學院》對未來大學的構想:不要限製上大學的地點,隻要你能夠通過嚴謹而且經過國際認證的評估,來證明對某一理論的精通和理解,就可以找到工作。"
i have revealed word secret in My book . The rest can be learned with available materials.
The only benefit is the environment, friend assisting/pear presure, and social observing, etc. are not entirely replacable by self learning. Otherwise, like many foreigners, 90% quited after a year .
人才啊!讚! - buzhidao123 - ♀
適合會聽說不會讀寫(詞匯量小於100字)的中文成年文盲掃盲用嗎? - 中文提示 - ♂
病人忍受變廋人,醫生一生有生意 what is the trick?
要道旗飄揚, 招展重要事, 馬道連街區, 一段走運期
Some people tried to block me, but they are not God, people based marketing will win.
雨下世係拉緊, 糾正要看出身, 狹窄通道有何比,花落隻露草根.