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新書“單詞4音”將封閉那些貶低我發現的嘴 "Words by tones" will shut up the mouthes of those who belittle my discovery
北京2號 is the first one to spot my potential, and the major supporter. I will send you a copy if you could write a powerful review on Amazon for me. You are a 司號兵 or one of the commanders. bugle 號, secret ...found today, following a hot post at "i love my family" forum.
規避因循規章防錯軌道,貴重先求自尊戳穿詭計 secret of 4 tones
雖(泥)土不怕晚,逐步升級趕;末世近無退, 逃脫要護衛 7 English words
睾丸 testis test is risky 樂嘉
少活十年 如果毛澤東更聰明,他能活到 89 to 93+.
OK. someone's loss is other's gain.
飛機--can be likened roughly to my discovery in word secrets; 導彈-- to novels, news reports, poems, abstract art etc.
Qin Yi 1922年2月4日- vs. Sun Weishi 1921年-1968年10月14日 about 46,7