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母親誕辰日。母親曾是出生入死戰火中的軍人,戰場上躲開炸彈,在她前後的士兵都被炸死, 腸子露出,...此刻,她會收到我的回報,我的書已告完成, 普天下的母子或許都受惠.
高興與空間空閒有緣,抑鬱與束縛數錢相關,酒油自取 xinlin chicken soup :)
矯攪勦 Overcorrection mix suppress
轉首掉頭東 The name of Robin Williams reminds me of Robert B Williams, a leading US portrait market breaker. I was in his studio for a weak, and I might make a similar impact in word research area inspired by his energy and intensity.
NO 46 Great wall of CR and meter coincidence
珠穆朗瑪峰 Mt.Q 4-8 Nepal quake 5th largest 走馬一上帖,地球抖三抖 my post at Daqian after 20 days Seriously, my right leg had 4 strips of lesion suddenly at about 3 pm. 說真的,昨天下午我的右腿突然有4條條紋. Also sign, 4 rainbows in NY, and auto meter reading
臉譜 types of Peking opera facial make-up/mask