2010 (840)
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供給.證明.驕傲, why is me who cracked these secrets in these word C-E connection?
It proves that Chinese, especially me who fits better on required qualifications, we stand on a superior position in this area.
It is delayed long enough though, by various barriers caused by asperity and much more, rooted by culture and social change. Those sufferings are beyond your imagination...Soon you will find these findings are worthy. So let the fact speaks out."(1)教材的組織法。其一,邏輯式組織。其二,心理式組織。以學生為本位,興趣、需要和能力,經驗出發點,逐步擴大,使學生願學、樂學,較少考慮完整性。其三,折衷式組織。兼顧兩方麵的需要,擇采兩者之長。在不同的學科和學生不同的階段,又有所側重。