
黃河尚有澄清日 Another triumph on the green day.

(2013-03-17 13:33:25) 下一個
黃河尚有澄清日 Another triumph on the Green Holiday. Had two very important discoveris on words in a week. Will re-write the textbooks.

If I meet PM Li again, I will mention something interesting. . . from which you can see the spirit in subtle, which is an important quality worth for me to learn and do self-examination often. I will report an arduous or even dangerous background when I tackled and discovered the mystery of the Chinese-English words connection, talking in passing about the character "ke" as an example.

人性 renxing4 vs 人性 renxing, humanity vs. reason,
how to distinguish these two by letter analysis in a tricky way, it is quite likely no professor can answer this right away due to no attention to this, ... a nobody matters just like a detail matters.

The structures of Chinese characters basically, hamper modernization. An example is 我, which is too petty, too backward to keep. In a contrast, the word I is like a bar in the national flag of France and some other countries, it is grand, generous and free of detail.

說時遲,那時快 Someone questioned me about what is letter h in "what" could possibly  mean, I just found out the trick and will put down right into my book draft. It is a serial of wh- words, which partial connection with Chinese has clear evidence.

控告不可延遲 刪掉代表委派 嬌氣蓄意對抗 刪除就是愉快  8 d-

潮濕不缺水,西部大拓荒,打井得幸福,泉水叮咚響。    38 English words

歡聲雷動,群眾運動,撬棍一來,鴉雀無聲  3 c-

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