
新年來臨灰變五彩 元旦向前令人鼓舞

(2013-01-01 12:29:09) 下一個




The time ratio for me to spent on art vs. words research is about 4:1. Recently I had a best discovery which is more tricky and beyond imagination.            
功夫不饒人, if say Chen Yanning's portrait amazed me as a brilliant example for near perfection, my further writing on my breakthrough idea has a long way to go.               
Meanwhile, I might use other’s success stories for my own encouragement for mine is probably better or not inferior than theirs, plus i am aware of that how some of others relied their superior condition and how sluggish after their earlier success. Start earlier by farseeing to change my old thinking become necessary. 2.5.2013

歡歡喜喜過個年 New FINDING for DISSECTing words is the best, more universal. 1.11.2013 Which proved: 1.Generally many Chinese are less creative despite of being artistic. 2. Toughness of Hunaness or, you donkey :)

新年來臨灰變五彩  元旦向前令人鼓舞 步伐"輕鬆"pine兼備二任  公司節儉分文不失  蝙蝠有福戰鬥在即 標緻秀麗恰當合宜 我來了  16 English words

癸巳貴在歸世,軌道規劃詭奇 guisi expensive in normalized World, track planning Sly Odd


去年有財 今年熬菜 蛇無足行 不好不壞  Last year profitable/Boil vegetables this year/The snake crawls without feet/Neither good nor bad

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