

(2012-07-26 15:59:40) 下一個

find a sponsor. Contact an art gallery or a local company you might know. It can be an art supply workshop, a winery, real estate agency or even a museum. It could be a person you have done some work for or your relative or friend.

Discuss potential sponsorship with them, explain this is not a favor but a win+win situation for them. Explain the benefits of international exposure for minimum investment on their part. Get on board for the next book volume before it's too late
and get your art career a jump start with a massive international exposure. Hurry up, 2016 volume is almost fully booked!


換下招牌開大船,發光還得爬桅杆,隨機應變別猶豫,防護靠盾快轉換         8 English words

鋒芒畢露應當是非自有公論                 7 English words

開始回望原始 東方推動西方 裝飾極度興奮,願望掩蓋傾向 珍珠來自選礦 低等終究平常
自我對抗機構 方向迷於放蕩              12 English words

葉障目瞎如何見山 心竅打通始得下海 房事免談    
Leaves are blocking one's eyes, how can he see the mountain Only be reasonable he may run business  Intercourse out of discussion

Be resolute, fear no SACRIFICE, summount every difficulty to win the victory.

Bristle with anger, don't fritter away,smash bandit's lair to sing i
標準強過病後恢複 恢複強過傷了元氣 謠言迫使別人接受 夯土防備堤壩下沉   6 English words

條理先於尺度 秩序先於分寸 教學法先於度量尺 土辦法先於洋卷尺     2 English words


重商主義有功績 貪財近於精神病 活潑易變水銀柱 任憑擺布無憐憫  
商人重利喜雜貨  陷入法網因合並 緊密配合得表揚  任人唯賢立新功  11 English words

世風漸頹正氣不通,  江河日下妖邪橫行   深惡痛絕
World Wind becoming decadent, righteousness won't work
rivers pour away by the day; going from bad to worse
deteriorating day by day,
evildoers are rampant
abhorrence, to detest bitterly,implacable hatred, to abhor

趁沉乘 take advantage of a sinking steamer 稱成城 call it as a completed wall  辰襯塵 a star is setting off by dusts

會海工作占  存在卻微賤  場合八不見 想到玄  滄海好消遣   8 English words

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