term of money
理由正當 Warren :) 判斷偏差 wrong/Wang :) 2 E. words
不必焦躁可選擇 活塞不會愛悶塞 縱有膽汁防霍亂 波浪滔滔裂縫多 6 c- 8-23
水麵飛跳彈 危機仍充滿 憑誰解疑難 子彈打得窟窿滿 4 r- 8-23-12
This "book" belongs to everyone, for me it is a delight to read and trustworthy, which has been proved more than a dozen times, which I did not find it in the past, that is unavoidable but is also my delinquency, for I should not do unavailing things.
The secret can not be solved, it is amazing. 8-22
埋頭讀書禁激動 自動免疫遠病場 不動未必不合理 不可改變是渴望 即交易陷入困難 市場衝擊逼典當 深入群眾去災禍 病樹速朽難留芳14 Ewords i- 8-20-12
來回穿梭羽毛球 鳥怕受驚人怕羞 等得早已不耐煩 作戰雙方都亂丟 6 words 816-12
井水 is 散戶's somewhat of a role model.
Fill the blank if you like.
I discovered a trick quite a while ago but did not use it since I'm "stick in/hesitate" type, in a contrary, I had a lesson by joining the bad river before i finally, cleared my mind and used the secret weapon.
On June 21st, I was one of few who sold at day's high, a second success of sale in a crash day.
In other words, 井水不犯 means 跟市場,不隨大流(be misleaded).
重獲熊膽重鑄鍾 回憶過去再體驗 奪回陣地要概括 重寫句子改觀念2-3 English words 8-15-2012 6 pm
衝浪在表麵 確實深不覺 一浪難推巨浪 陰霾可推測
障礙要超越 奇襲要猜測 不可陷於絕望 眺望未來景色 10 words
醉酒難報警 酒醉不受 精於煉金術 活躍方提醒 4 words a- 8.13 2012
主人好運氣 住進醫院去 主人極走運 招待很熱情
主人一發火 馬上有敵意 主人一升旗 不再扣人質
8 E.words 8.12 2012
有齋不詫異 有宅還清債 工作雖受榨 有擇心別窄
有宅不齋戒 有仔根苗在 更須防多災 再再都思哉 :)
小泄也要揚 大瀉跟進場 協調整體係 洗淨舊衣裳
東一浪頭西一幫 男主剛下卑奴上 窮了跟班富老板 蜉蝣腐肉負心腸
渴望也缺水 竭力難自拔 東臨碣石矮子爬 還是歇歇吧
攜眷又帶家 偕老非空話 輕易別泄氣 不讓螃蟹霸
股近沒落易抹殺 戰到末期莫留連 久久摸索模型顯 蘑菇要在買之前 鯊魚魔力領教遍 百回摹擬不厭煩 隻為膜拜別磨錢 秣馬厲兵開新篇 (不改一字)
雨露滋潤極怕潮 新式樣式莫打擾 穩健減輕不混亂 登月備艙防變調 8 English words m-
不擇手段權宜計 北上兩刀快 迅速暢通無阻礙 南下自然開 2 E
危或許是機 硬不必危險 確實加嚴格 減少了危險 2
累贅象是蘆葦 卻與豐富本家 執拗不如革新 耐火值得誇誇
歸屬有點旋轉 提交當去查查 參考還須思考 孩子很象爸爸
逆流也叫退潮 忍住不把淚雨灑 10 r-
義憤不如迂回 憤慨不如分開 拐彎抹角兜圈子 間接反而簡潔2 i