八字搗亂真經 刀來我/ME發,多拉快跑 反彈是回鍋肉
生當作人傑,死亦為鬼雄。 至今思項羽,不肯過江東。人傑,may read as 豪傑 豪傑 and 鬼雄 are close by sound.
As educated by idea of collectivism, as humble as ablue ant in China, lived in a generally peaceful years, I am naturally not brave. that does not mean I'm prudent either. Li Qingzhao as a female was able to claim "思項羽", this shamed me.
開辦才一日,開拔兩地散,開恩看臉色,雙日一開飯,木藍要開花,還名花木藍 s- f- m- b-
同治統治捅漏子 同誌知心靠通知 童子太子提桶來 同宗同族同舟濟
Tongzhi rule poke flaw /Intimate comrades rely on notice
The boy prince carries a pail aboard/The family clan help each other
開場白即露外行 揮金如土灰鼠荒 預兆深淵惡疽黑 酣睡紅利變黃粱 6 English words p-
人手口刀牛羊 why these words are with less strokes? ---
耳目鼻口舌 手腳頭頸腰 心腎肝肺脾 肌膚筋骨毛
字形藏何密 許慎未揭曉 讀人不精讀字好 越看越蹊蹺
快走脛作艦 浪費時耗銀 書架遮擋晴 轉移護金楮 6+1 English words
大奶生娃是專家 創作生殖要找她 二奶揮霍隻會花 讚不絕口為了啥
浪子回頭金不換 工作量大奇跡大 製造獲得出對進 脾氣大發激勵她 8 English words 7p- 1c- 32
人手口刀牛羊 why these words are with less strokes? ---
耳目鼻口舌 手腳頭頸腰 心腎肝肺脾 肌膚筋骨毛
字形藏何密 許慎未揭曉 讀人不精讀字好 越看越蹊蹺
快走脛作艦 浪費時耗銀 書架遮擋晴 轉移護金楮 6+1 English words
大奶生娃是專家 創作生殖要找她 二奶揮霍隻會花 讚不絕口為了啥
浪子回頭金不換 工作量大奇跡大 製造獲得出對進 脾氣大發激勵她 8 English words 7p- 1c- 32