
楊翁 names in harmony and weirdness

(2012-04-28 06:21:30) 下一個

楊振寧-翁帆 names in harmony and weirdness



Only combination w and i is wei in Chinese while in English, wee,week,weed,weep and wee-wee,whistle,whit,wig,wiggle,whild,will,win,wind,wing,wink,wish,wisp,wit,with... .Wei in Chinese can be added gh becomes weigh in English, we can see how flexible and rich in this advanced language, which  will influence Chinese, backward in general, more and more.

Y---half vowel
W---half vowel
yang--young weng-weng? weng+grass head--luxuriant...蓊鬱 wěngyu

of plant)flourishing;lush;luxuriant〗∶形容草木茂盛, these words imply that w and y has close relation, will explain later.

I don't judge it is worthy or object someone regard is worse. What I got here is there is an invisible tie between these couple, names are part of it.

we may say that Yang's name has great weight in her mind and she might find out welfare or well-being or happiness in this marriage.  


There is similarity in their names,劉曉慶 vs. 王慶根, not limited to a common word qing, and both had a upturn and downturn.
But their names differ like their characters and many aspects, therefore the outlooks are in such a contrary.  Name hints fate, usually. Subjective initiative is more vital. 

堅如磐石章法新  Pan Zhang

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