
心猿意馬, 戒網

(2012-03-02 09:38:22) 下一個
restless and whimsical, fanciful and fickle, capricious

Need rest against restless, workaholic against whimsical, forceful again fanciful, fetch and carry (da3 za2) against fickle, cooperative against capricious.
Try to limit my web appearance to:
After a thousand presentation words were written
or hundred $ made in market :)
ten miles jogging or one song learned.
Want to see which is more reasonable
Or all in the same time.

Get the key of the street : what is it mean?
I did  this today by a donkey act, I was keyed up over this insident,fortunatly i got it without disburting others...although I found out the kernel of word secret. 01-14-2013

紙幣現鈔該死 揭幕謝幕罵吻 傳言掩蓋醜事 小貓垂簾聽政     7
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