(2012-02-12 06:24:19)
3216->下定決心 (Mao quote song),8848->珠穆郎瑪. 3x3216=9648-8848=800 :)
Breeze brushes bronze
Brilliance it shows I have XXXXXXX rolls of books XXXXXXX agreeably
Gadfly plus cinder Asked how many words did you engrave Bronze smiles
Judge only by the amount is not enough I have Zhongding Wen (bell-cauldron script
the 籀文 form of Chinese character used in metal inscriptions) which has cherished values
中國象棋帥不出宮 西洋國王頻頻出擊 分類整理加大效率 出動飛機免得惋惜 5 E.words s