“大聲想”(thinking aloud)
(2012-01-19 15:38:38)
In English-Chinese dictionary (Shanghai) this "aloud" is missing
ZT--記得喬(Guanhua)總是一麵構思,一麵搖晃著腦袋朗朗念出聲來,就是西方人所說的“大聲想”(thinking aloud)。在場的人可以和他一起聽到,一起想(思考)和議論。他自己也發表意見,包括否定原來的說法。這時,他手邊總是有一小杯茅台之類的好酒,仿佛是他文思的催化劑。
After many riddles, ( someone loathes it:)) my first word is born. My first seriously created word--word*ama
Wu Zetian left some words (and a tombstone without words), Mao surpassed this empress? by those simplified words (and never master English words:)) I already traveled as an outsiderextensively, with this created word (you haven't known what it is), I am an insider now by the definition of this word. I did some in the past but did not think it as creation. Similar to 地心旅行記
流無同韻來因感冒 a river 菱連正交又是斜方
敬重單方常無反響 顛倒反向流於幻想 10 r-