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不羨一時多少豪傑,反身避開十年浩劫. 此一時,彼一時,保一世,全一生.
前言皆有傳訓,可恨焚書亂世. 與君一麵之緣,惜別,世界冠軍! google.... Large/great men, contempt them, keep at arm's length/respect but, jiliuyongtui/top out, and then retire to the/advance then retreat, back away, homes of/give up fame and gain, full of /conserve lives. People do not envy Hero, reflexive to avoid Shinianhaojie/great calamity. This time, was,/this is one situation and that was another, whole life, whole life. Preface/The classics pass Jieyou/all passed down training hateful book burning troubled times. Side of the edge and the king/having met once only (as ordained by fate), farewell, world champion!
莊則棟的名字與毛澤東有緣,莊與莊嚴,威嚴聯繫. 他的命運是必然要連接到毛和江,他曲折的人生道路超出了他的控製,其他人在他同樣的命運會同樣。他一度試圖自殺,多麽悲慘。
從莊則棟 - 劉春華的名字分析,可推廣的猜想毛劉對比的名字:毛澤東比較強硬,劉少奇則比較靈活...
莊則棟's name is close to Mao Zedong, his destiny is bound to connected to Mao and Jiang, Word 莊 is more "majestic" and maybe related to "stubble-like"...His tortuous life road is beyond his control, anyone who is in his same fate would do the same.He trid to commit a suicide, how tragical it was. 劉春華 rejected Jiang Qing's invitation,therefore escaped that trap. 莊則棟-劉春華's case could be extented to conjecture Mao-Liu contrast by the name association.While Mao is more stubborn, Liu Shaoqi is more flexible...
陳寅恪、鄧拓、田家英、老舍、小白玉霜、羅廣斌、嚴鳳英、上官雲珠、張海默、楊朔、容國團、翦伯讚、樊映川 commited suicide. Most of these names are in this kind of structure... which hints gang1zhi2bu4a1 and other characters.
毛澤東--莊則棟 1961年世乒賽,毛澤東親自觀看男子團體決賽電視轉播。場上出現2∶2時,莊則棟準備上場。毛澤東親自給當時正在現場的賀龍元帥打去電話,讓他轉告莊則棟:“我的‘小祖宗’呀,你可一定要把這一分爭回來!”乒乓球因其特殊的地位從那時候起被稱作”國球”。1971 4月7日淩晨,已經吃過安眠藥的毛澤東無意間在《參考消息》上看到莊則棟與科恩接觸的花絮。根據毛澤東的生活秘書張玉鳳回憶,毛澤東讀了兩遍這篇花絮,眼睛突然一亮,興奮地叫了一聲:“我的莊爺爺啊!”